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Don't ask about the picture I didn't know what to put there.

Waves crashed onto the ships bottom, swaying harshly on the ocean.

The three countries aboard the ship held on tight, trying to control the ship, as well as keeping themselves on. 

"Hold onto the sails America!" A Chinese pirate shouted to the American one. 

"I'm trying as hard as I can, here, Chi!" He yelled back as the rain poured onto the deck, slowly but surely flooding. "I told you not to can my that! Russia, stop the ship from flooding won't you!?" The Russian yelled, "I can't do everything at once!"

It took a few hours, before the wicked storm calmed. 

"Finally, that's over!" America sighed, as he helped  his fellow pirates remove all the water from the deck. 

Once all the water was back in the ocean, and they had dried the deck, the saw there destination in the distance. Their home, Island of Quick. It was a small village island, with a bright sunny view. It was famous for one thing, hunting a paranormal things. 

With its population of 1.1k and at least 70 of them being pirates, they wiped out the island called Wiyt, an island forest full of vampires, it became a place for fire wood. The island Erik. That was wiped out of ghosts, now farm land. And finally, island Rose, gone of Dragons

China, Russia and America were some of the most feared pirates on the island, and their boss worked them hard, finding islands too kill the monsters, to beat out their rivals.

They docked into the bay, looking out at the city, before exiting the ship and walking through the streets. Receiving waves, or scowls, depending on who it was.

On this island, there are 4 groups of pirates, our main characters, called the Tevis, the Yars, the Union of Isgot and the Osik. You chose one to support, and if you don't, then your thrown off the island. That's how it works, They've been competing for centuries, on and on.

The 3 of them made their way into their bass, where their boss gave them another assignment. 

"Alright you 3." The slugged, old man, leaned back in his chair as the three pirates bowed. "There is an island that is known for two of the most dangerous creatures. Its located far south of the Island, and will take at least 2 days to arrive" Russia huffed. "its not like there's any monsters I *cough* we couldn't kill!" Their boss chuckled and sighed. "Well, these monsters are...

"Sirens and witches..."

425 words (1:19)

SIRENS AND WITCHES (COUNTRYHUMANS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin