38 | Graduation

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Sorry that this chapter is so short. The story is gonna be over soon. It's super super fun to write, but I feel like if I stretch it out for my own enjoyment it'll just get boring to read. I have 2 ideas for other stories. Feel free to give me feedback! So one is where they're both adventurers who are getting chased by Junko and Mukuro and the other one is where Hajime's an artist that likes to paint/draw Komaeda (that one's a very rough idea)

"Hinata-kun, are you jealous?"

"Who would I be jealous of?"

"Kamukura-kun. Servant said you were jealous after I complimented him,"

Hinata sat down on his bed. "Well... maybe a little. I just don't really want my boyfriend to tell my brother how awesome and cool he is,"

Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." He kissed his cheek. "I think you're great and awesome too,"

Hinata smiled. "It's fine, I'm not mad at you,"


A few months later, Komaeda watched Hinata and his classmates throw their graduation hats in the air. Hinata was so happy to be done with school.

After they left the school, Hinata and his friends went out to eat as a celebration. Komaeda sat down next to his boyfriend.

"What are you guys going to do after school?" He asked.

"I'm gonna work at my dad's mechanic shop," Souda said.

"I'll study to become a lawyer," Hinata told him.

"A lawyer..." Komaeda put a hand to his chin. "Like in the video game you always play?"

"...yeah," Hinata admitted.

"That's so cool! What about you, Kamukura-kun and Nanami-san?"

"I want to become a video game developer,"

"I want to be a brain surgeon,"

"Huh? Since when? And why?" Hinata asked his brother.

"I want to make a lot of money and I am excellent at biology. It's going to be easy,"

"You sure are confident," Souda pointed out.

Komaeda took a bite of his food, listening to their conversation. He didn't know much about human jobs. He knew that he would always be granting wishes. That was his task as an Angel and he didn't mind. It was interesting that humans got to write their own story though.

In the evening, they all went home. Hinata fell into bed, tired.

"Are you gonna go home or do you wanna sleep here?" Hinata asked Komaeda.

"Can I stay with you?"

"Sure." Hinata rolled to his side, making room for Komaeda. The Angel laid down next to him, on his own stomach. He couldn't lay on his back or side due to his wings.

Hinata kissed his forehead before the two of them fell asleep.

♡ Wish | Hinakoma/ Komahina ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt