33 | Halloween

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Cliché ass chapter ik don't discuss that‼

Komaeda clapped his hands together to change into his costume.

"Kyaaa!!! You look so cute, Nagi-chan! Hajime-chan's gonna eat you up!" Mioda squealed.

"I hope he likes it,"

"He will, I know it!" Mioda was dressed as a skeleton. On the couch behind her sat Nanami, who was dressed as princess Peach. She was playing a game on a small console.

Soon enough, more guests arrived. Kamukura and servant entered the house. This was the first time the others met servant.

"He looks like Komaeda," Souda, who was going as frankenstein's monster, said.

"You're right he does. He looks just as delicious as Komaeda," Hanamura, who was dressed as an evil chef, agreed.

"Nice to meet you too!" Servant smiled.

Kamukura grabbed the short chef by his collar. "It you even think about laying a hand on him, I will make sure the darkest pits of hell open to swallow you whole,"

"Ahahaha! You have such an interesting way of flirting!" Hanamura chuckled.

"Sorry for being late!" Hinata called out, entering the house. "But I'm here now,"

"Ooh, a cowboy!" Sonia, dressed as princess Daisy, exclaimed. "Nice!"

"Thank you. Uh, does anyone know where Komaeda is?"

"Right here!" A voice called out. It was Mioda. She was dragging Komaeda behind her, smiling. Since she was in front of him, Hinata couldn't see his costume. "You have to say trick or treat first though, 'cause he looks like a total snack!"

"Trick or treat?"

She pushed Komaeda forward. Hinata turned red. Komaeda was wearing a long pretty maid dress. The apron had lace on the side and there seemed to be several fluffy petticoats underneath the skirt. He was wearing white socks and ballerina shoes.

"...are you going to say something?" Komaeda asked. "I mean, call me a fine babe at least,"

"You're a super fine babe. You look so good." He grabbed his face and kissed him. "You're really beautiful. How'd you know I find maid dresses pretty?"

"I saw you looking at one in the costume store and thought I'd wear one." He wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck. "Just for you." He kissed his cheek.

"Okay, enough making out!" Mioda clapped her hands together. "Time to get this party started!!!"

A while later, a few children rang the doorbell and Komaeda went to open the door.

"Trick or treat!" They said.

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" He lifted his hands up to the sky and made a basket full of candy appear in his hands. "Here, take as much as you want! You have such nice costumes!"

"You too!" A little girl said.

"Thank you,"

The kids soon left and Komaeda went back to Hinata, smiling. "I wish I had a childhood and grew up as a human... You guys have such fun traditions,"

"I think it's great that you're an angel. And I can still show you all our traditions,"

Komaeda kissed his cheek again. "Thank you. You're so kind to me. But now I'm gonna go hang out with servant, bye bye!" He got up and began walking away.

"The hell? Komaeda, come back!" Hinata grabbed his lasso, swung it around and threw it around Komaeda. He pulled him back with it.

"There's no need to hurry," He said.

Komaeda blushed. "You caught me..."

"Or maybe you let me catch you, Angel." He kissed his forehead and rolled up his sleeves.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Hinata untied him and put the lasso back at his belt. Then, he grabbed Komaeda's hands and spun him around.

"Aaah!! Why??!" Komaeda yelped in surprise.

"Bet you've never done that before,"

"No, but- Woah!" Hinata let go of him and caught him as he stumbled around.

"You're spinning around, Hinata-kun..." he muttered, confused. "Stop spinning..!"

"I'm not spinning, your head just is. You've seriously never experienced this?"

"No. Sorry, but Angels don't have time for silly things like these,"

"Oh, but they do have time to dress up and call themselves a- what was it again..? Pretty princess?"

Komaeda blushed again. "Yes! That's important for my mental wellbeing!"

♡ Wish | Hinakoma/ Komahina ♡Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu