31 | Costume Store

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"Oh, look! Those headbands look like animal ears!" Komaeda called out, walking towards the mentioned headbands.

The store was pretty much empty except for the two boys. Komaeda put one of the headbands on.

"Do I look like a cat?" He asked, turning around, smiling.

"Not really,"

"Oh... Not even if I say meow?"

Hinata turned red in embarrassment. "Don't say that in public," He looked away.

"Why? Is it bad to say meow?" He teased. "Meow,"

Hinata took the headband away from him. "There, now you can only make Angel noises."

Komaeda pouted. "Fiiine... humans are no fun. But what about bunny ears?" He grabbed a different headband and put it on. "Bunnies are cute, you can't not allow me to wear it,"

"I never said you look ugly, but these things-" he pinched one of the bunny ears. "-do bump against your halo,"

Hinata looked around. His eyes landed on a specific dress and his cheeks heated up. He quickly looked away, but Komaeda had noticed it.

"Hi-na-ta-kun! Any other ideas? What are you going as?"

"A cowboy,"

"Ohh, yeehaw!! Are you gonna say that and then kidnap a fair maiden?"

"What kinda cowboys do you know?"

"Oh, right, those were wizards and dragons. Are you going to duel against someone?"

Hinata shrugged. "Maybe,"

"Jeez... If you're putting effort into wearing a costume, you might as well act like the person you're dressed up as, otherwise it's no fun at all. When I'm dressed up, I'll act like the costume I'm wearing,"

Two boys entered the costume store. "Kyaaaa! That looks like you, Izuru-kun!" A familiar voice said. Hinata looked over and saw servant pointing at a costume of the monster from the ring.

"Quiet, demon."

"Hahaha!! Someone can't handle the truth!" Servant teased.

"I am just here to buy my costume. Do not mock me,"

"Humans are no fun at all!" The demon complained. "But fine, go buy your costume Mr. Serious stone-faced cold guy,"

"I will. Do you need anything for your costume?"

"I am the costume, Izuru-kun,"

"Alright. You can look for accessories if you want though,"

Servant looked at his cuffs. "Accessories, huh..."

"What are you guys going as?" Hinata asked.

"A priest and the demon who made him turn his back to God and commit sins!! Hahahaha!!!"

Komaeda put his hands on his waist. "Not cool. My father is nice, don't betray him,"

"I'm sure he's a total sweetheart, but I'm just too irresistible for Izuru-kun to care about that,"


"What are you going as?" Servant asked. Komaeda leanded forward and whispered something into his ear.

"Ooh, he will love it!"

Kamukura walked to the register and paid for his costume.

"So you already chose something?" Hinata asked his boyfriend.

"Yes, but it's a surprise, so no asking what it is,"

The four friends walked home together. The non-human boys of the group were complaining about humans.

"They get ashamed so often and so easily," servant said.

"Yes! One time I asked Hinata-kun what a body part I saw in his biology book was and he turned red like a tomato. No matter what it is, it can't be too weird to say out loud, right?"


"And I can't even be myself in public. Hinata-kun told me not to say meow! Why not? That's like one of the most basic human rights! I guess I don't deserve it though since I'm an Angel..."

"Oh, and one time a man called me an... uhm, what was it again... indecent shovel or something like that. I remember he named some kind of gardening tool. I asked him what he meant and he said that my outfit is so inappropriate and gross and that I'm going to hell and will be tortured and whipped for the rest of eternity due to trying to seduce him in public,"

"Right! And people keep touching my wings without permission!"

"Mhm! The amount of times people have grabbed my horns is too much to count,"

Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm. "I love you though, don't get me wrong. Humans are just so hard to understand sometimes, it makes me overwhelmed..."

Hinata kissed him. "It's okay. I get it. I was confused when I went to heaven and hell too. I love you too, babe,"

"Right, uhm..." servant began. "Izuru-kun, are you mad because of what I just said? Ahah, I do apologize... a worthless servant like me-"

"Stop that." Kamukura smiled. "I liked seeing you being honest with your negative feelings. You're allowed to have those as much as anyone else,"

The cuffs and choker began to glow all of a sudden. "H-huh?" Servant yelped. "What's happening?!"

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