18 | Beach

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Beach episode hell yeah ‼💯🔥

Hinata sat in class. It was a hot day outside and he had taken off his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his button-up shirt.

"Guys, I know it's hot and you're all tired, but you should know the answer to this," Yukizome said to the class.

The brunet rolled his sleeves up even more as Nanami opened a window. Souda passed him a note.

'Wanna go to the beach later?'

Hinata grinned and nodded.

"Hinata-kun, Souda-kun, why don't you share what you're talking about with the class?"


Yukizome sighed and began lecturing them about having to pay more attention in class.

Once school was over, the two boys began to plan their trip to the beach. "Are we gonna ask anyone else to come with us?"

"How about Sonia-san?" Souda asked, cheeks pink.

"Sure, as long as you promise not to be weird to her,"

"I'm never weird to her,"

"That's debatable. Whatever, I'll ask Komaeda too,"


The boys were done changing and Sonia was in the dressing room on the beach. Komaeda clapped his hands together and Hinata turned to look at him.

He was wearing a white lace two piece with flowy and wavy pieces of fabric that made the bottom piece look like a very short skirt rather than the pants of a two piece.

"Damn, lookin' good, Komaeda," Hinata said.

"Thank you." He said, smiling.

Hinata looked at him for a while. Angels had soft and delicate features which was obvious on Komaeda. Apart from his wings, halo and the fact that he was glowing, he looked just like a very beautiful human though.

A few guys walked past Komaeda and whistled. The Angel didn't understand what that meant, so he paid no attention to it. Hinata glared at them. Now Komaeda felt stupid. He still didn't get humans. Why was whistling a bad thing?

Sonia left the changing room in a full body swimsuit.

"Wow, Sonia-san, you look- mmh!!" Souda shot Hinata a glare as the brunet covered his mouth.

"The waves are very big at the moment. I think we should wait-" Sonia got interrupted by Komaeda.

"Let's go, Hinata-kun!" He began to run towards the ocean, laughing.

"Wait, Sonia's right!" Hinata chased after him. As he ran, Komaeda looked back at Hinata, still laughing. God, he was so pretty. Hinata couldn't look at anything other than him. Slowly, the brunet stopped running.

A big wave crashed down onto Komaeda. He fell over and, as the ocean settled down again, Hinata heard him laughing.

"Hahaha!!" The water that touched him sparkled. Komaeda looked at Hinata, smiling. His eyes were full of kindness and love.

The brunet felt his face heat up. God, he wanted to kiss him so bad...

The Angel stood up and looked at the water that dripped down from his body. He shook himself and was completely dry again quickly. "Hinata-kun? Aren't you going to come into the water too?"

"Uh, yeah!" He walked towards Komaeda and threw him over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Can I drop you?"

"Why would you?? Treat me with some more care, will you!" He playfully hit Hinata's back.

"Stop flirting for a second and come get your water guns!" Souda called out.

Hinata gently put Komaeda down and they ran back to the sand to get them. The four friends filled the guns up with water and went into the ocean to play.

"I will destroy you, Souda-san!" Sonia called out and began to shoot at him.

"Argh!! Stop it!" He complained.

"How does this thing work?" Komaeda asked Hinata.

"Here, you have to press your finger down here. Like this!" He shot water at Komaeda's face.

The pale boy covered his face and looked away sadly. "Th-that's not fair... I didn't understand your explanation and you shot it right at my face..."

"Shit, sorry! I thought you knew what I was trying to sa- HEY!" Hinata yelled as Komaeda shot water at his chest. The Angel laughed mischievously.

"Now you're gonna get it!" Hinata chased after him, laughing.

♡ Wish | Hinakoma/ Komahina ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora