14 | Waking Up

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Hinata watched Komaeda's chest move up and down as he breathed. His skin was cooler now and the flush on his cheeks had worn off. Hinata wanted to hold him, but Komaeda couldn't allow that at the moment, so he wouldn't.

"Komaeda," he said. He gently stroked his cheek with the back of his index finger. Komaeda leaned into the touch. Hinata smiled. He looked peaceful now.

The Angel slowly opened his eyes. "...nata...kun..."

"Finally!" Hinata grinned and wrapped his arms around Komaeda. "Damn, it took you forever to wake up,"

Komaeda felt limp in Hinata's arms. He was still so weak and moving hurt.




"Are you gonna say something else?"

His eyes sparkled. Not with hope or happiness though. His sparkling tears were showing up again.

Hinata held him tighter. "It's okay, I'm here with you,"


"You're okay. You're safe." He kissed the side of his head. Shit. He had to stop kissing him.

"I was so scared..." Komaeda said. "H-he wouldn't let go... a-and he called me cute. I-I don't want to be called cute by someone like that... only you're allowed to compliment my looks,"

Hinata ran his fingers through his hair. "Shhh, it's okay," Hinata said gently.

"M-my wrist hurts, Hinata-kun... and my waist too,"

"Your wrist is pretty bruised. Can I take a look at your waist?"

"You said I'm n-not allowed to take my clothes o-off in front of humans..." He said, still crying.

"You're allowed to, it just isn't something we do very- whatever. That's not what matters. You can show me your waist if you want so we can take a look at it together,"

Since Komaeda's gown was sleeveless, he just pulled down the top of it. His waist was completely bruised from when the demon was holding him. Trying to adapt to humans, he covered his chest.

"Damn... that looks really bad. You need ice packs,"

Komaeda sniffled. "Wh-what packs?"

"You know what ice is, right?"


"Basically it's like ice inside of a plastic bag. Can you make that appear?"

Komaeda reached his hands up, still sniffling a bit. What Hinata described appeared in his hands. He pressed it against his waist and hissed. "I-it's so cold!" He began to cry again.

The Angel was clearly completely overwhelmed and especially sensitive at the moment. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" Hinata asked him, helping him pull up the top of his gown again.

Komaeda grabbed Hinata's hands and put them on his ears so he was covering them like back when they had just met. He took deep breaths. Hesitantly, he let go of Hinata's hands. When he noticed the brunet was going to let go too, he looked at him with pleading eyes, to which Hinata pressed his hands against Komaeda's ears again.

"Hinata-kun..." Komaeda whispered. "Please stay with me." He pushed his head against Hinata's chest. The brunet wrapped his arms around him again. Komaeda had calmed down now, thankfully.

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