10 | Demon

128 7 47

"Who are you?? And don't get so close to me if you're not Komaeda!" Hinata pushed him away.

"So mean..." the fake Angel said, landing on the ground. "I-I just wanted to be treated like how you treat Komaeda..." he clapped his hands together and now his true form was revealed. He still looked exactly like Komaeda, bit instead of a halo, he had small horns and instead of wings, he had a tail. He wasn't wearing the beautiful gown either. He wore a black body suit. The pants of the suit were short and on each of his sides, the suit had a hole. Around his neck was a choker and on each of his wrists were metal cuffs.

"Just kidding, of course. A mere servant like me has no reason to care," He said.

"A demon?!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Why do you look like me?" Komaeda asked.

"No idea, that's just a coincidence," He said. "But I was visiting this forest a few days ago and saw you, and then I saw Hinata-sama and how kind he is to you. I wanted someone to cherish me too, so I just tried it out... Kidding, obviously! I really could not care less if someone loved me or if I continue my sad, lonely existence... No one could love me anyway..."

"Uh, so what's your name?"

"You can call me servant." He bowed down. "I'm not a very evil demon, do not worry. I just like to cause mischief from time to time. And since I'm not hurting anyone, I can visit earth,"

Hinata nodded. "I see. Well, as long as you don't try to make out with me again, I don't mind you being here,"

Servant sighed. "I do apologize. I have not interacted with humans a lot, so I do not know how to act around them,"

"It's fine," Hinata said. "I forgive you. So, what's hell like?"

"Very lonely for someone like me... The other demons don't care much about relationships. They can be so cruel, it gets funny after a while!" He laughed. "For example, my name isn't actually servant, they just convinced me it was and I can't for the life of me remember my real name,"

"That's messed up," Hinata said.

"No, it's okay! I really don't mind knowing that no one in this world - or in the entire universe for that matter - loves me, has ever loved me or will ever love me,"

"You sound like you do mind it though." Hinata put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll find someone. I'm sure of that. Everyone deserves love and you're no different,"

Servant's cheeks heated up. "Ah... uhm..."

Hinata looked at Komaeda and noticed that he was pouting. "Is something wrong?"

"No. Everything's fine. So, can we go now?"

"Sure. Servant, wanna come with us?"

"Oh, alright!" The demon said.

They went to Hinata's place. His parents were at work during most of the day, so he could bring home whoever he wanted. Kamukura was in the kitchen, making food for himself. Hinata went into the kitchen too.

"Hey, I brought home Komaeda and another guy,"

Kamukura looked at servant. "Is that Komaeda's brother?"

"No, we just look alike," Komaeda said.

"What is this feeling..." Kamukura whispered. "I... hm. Nice to meet you. I am Kamukura Izuru,"

"It's nice to meet you too." He smiled. "You can call me servant,"

"Servant? You deserve a better name. I can tell you are very special, just like Komaeda. In a different way though. You are... interesting already,"

"Damn!!! That's Izuru language for 'I'm in love with you',"

Servant walked towards the dark-haired boy. "Kamukura-sama? Would you like to spend some time together? Just the two of us, I mean. You can do whatever you want with me," he whispered the last part, smiling softly.

"I would love to, actually. I have something I want to show you." He tucked a strand of Servant's hair behind his ear, smirking.

"Oh, really? What is it?" Servant asked, still smiling.

"My collection of fountain pens,"


"I even have the first ever fountain pen made by Frederick Fölsch in 1809. It was extremely difficult to acquire,"

"We don't have fountain pens in hell. Please tell me all about them, Kamukura-sama!"

Kamukura picked servant up and carried him into his room. "Very well, my demon,"

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