17 | Learning

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Souda had taken Komaeda to a restaurant. Hinata didn't know which one. He just knew the pink-haired boy said something like "I can't believe you're content going to McDonald's! Let me show you a proper burger place!" and then dragged him away.

Later that day, Hinata called his friend and was surprised when Komaeda picked up.

"Hey Hinata-kun..." he said, sounding exhausted and tired.

"Hey, uh, what's wrong?"

"Five guys's doing serious damage to my insides right now..." Komaeda whined.

("Get me over there and it'll be six." So sorry forgive me I had to make that joke😭😭)

"Did you eat too much?"

Komaeda hummed. "Mhm. My stomach really hurts..."

"Can't you wish for your stomachache to go away?"

"You're right! Maybe I can! Give me a minute,"


"Ah, I feel so much better now!"

"Cool. Anyway, why'd you pick up the phone instead of Souda?"

"I got excited when I saw your name on the screen, so I clicked the button without thinking..." He admitted, embarassed.

"That's cute,"

Komaeda twirled his hair. "It is?" He asked dreamily.

"Stop flirting!" Souda grabbed his phone and put it to his ear. "Why'd you call, soul bro?"

"I missed Komaeda,"

"Komaeda?? Not me?" He whined.

"I missed you too,"

"Well, I can't come see ya right now. I'm hangin' out with my buddy Komaeda,"

Komaeda agreed. "Yes, it's so much fun! Did you know there are pistols that dry your hair after you shower? Souda-kun showed me that! And he showed me video games. Oh, this is all so exciting, humans are amazing!"

"I'm glad you're having fun," Hinata told him.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in Hinata's room and his two friends were sitting on his floor. "Sorry, I couldn't not come here. I missed you too, Hinata-kun!" He hugged him tightly, smiling. "And you know what I just found out? When humans love each other, they become boyfriends or girlfriends and then they get married later and have kids after that most of the time! Angels just create other Angels when they get together. We don't get married, I don't even know what that's like. I want to learn everything about humans! Can you tell and show me everything?"

"Show? What do you wanna see?"

"Anything you can show me! What's in there for example?" He pointed at Hinata's chest.

"A heart," Souda said. "Don't you have one?"

"Of course he has a heart, you asslord!" Hinata said. "Don't insult him for no reason,"

"I don't," Komaeda said, looking sad. "Should I? I'm sorry if that's bad of me..."

"What?? Then what's inside your body?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "But can you show me your heart, Hinata-kun? I want to know what that is,"

"No, I can't. I'd die if I did that." Hinata said as he walked over to his shelf and grabbed his biology book. "Here." He gave it to Komaeda. "Read this,"

"Hm? What's that?"

"It's a book about the human body, at least mostly,"

Komaeda opened the book and looked at the images. There was a diagram of the male body. "Woah! That's what you look like??"


"Why is the man here blue? I know people have different skin colors, but usually it's just different shades of beige or brown, right? I had no idea blue people existed. See? I learn new things everyday!"

"No, that's just the color of the drawing. Blue people don't exist,"

"Oh... Should I tell my dad to create them?"

"Do it. Blue people sound sick." Souda grinned.

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