Chapter 14- Danger

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Tatter's POV:

I waited for my dad to come back. I looked for my phone but it was too far away and my body was still in a bit of pain. Suddenly I heard the door open.

I saw Bada peek her head through. She walked all the way in as she saw me lying there.

"Hi, how are you doing?" She said and I looked away. I was still upset at her for what she did and what she told me.

"What do you want Bada?" I said and she cleared her throat.

"I wanted to talk to you about what I told you during the finals-"

"I don't want to hear anymore Bada. I literally just jumped out of a car," I interrupted her as she spoke.

"Please, Tatter. The guilt is eating me up. Just listen to me please," she said and I simply sighed and signaled her to sit down at the foot of the bed.

"Minah and Y/N didn't sleep together like I told you. Minah had just been through a heartbreak and when she was with Y/N one day, she thought that she would make her ex jealous by making out with Y/N in front of him. Y/N went along with it to help her. It worked but Minah didn't want to get back with him and that just made things awkward between them," Bada paused and I noticed she struggled to swallow.

"Also, what I told you about me and Y/N sleeping together while she was still with you was a lie. We slept when you were gone that one day I showed up unannounced and you walked out. It was just closure to be honest so we could both move on. I got jealous when I saw how happy you made her and I could never do that for her so I thought of how to split you apart and it worked. But instead of feeling successful, I felt miserable. I saw how bad Y/N is doing and you don't have that radiance and shine in your face anymore," she said. She also told me everything that happened when they were in a relationship. I just stayed silent for a few minutes.

"So, why are you telling me this? What is it that you want from me?" I asked.

"I want for you to talk it out with Y/N. I want my bright and bubbly teammate back and I also want Y/N to be happy again. Even if it isn't with me," she said and sighed.

"I'll think about it," I replied.


"I want to go back to dancing," Minah groaned for the third time.

"Would you stop complaining? You have to heal fully before you go back to the studio. I don't know where else to put your things. The fans sent you so many things," I said as I threw the plushies at her.

It's been a week and she's been healing well. The doctors said she needed one more week to fully heal and then she could go back to her regular activities. They allowed her to go home as long as she promised she would rest and clean her wound properly.

We moved to a small house here in Seoul. Dad sold the old house we used to live in and bought a smaller one. I made amends with my real mom and now I feel closer to her. We are like a big, reunited, and happy family now.

"I'm going to give some of these away to the orphanage," said Minah and I smiled at her kind heart.

"Alright, now you need to shower. I'll call Lusher to help you because last time you had an accident, you were too whiny. I'll just let your girlfriend put up with you. Plus, I don't wanna see you naked," I said as I shivered playfully.

I called Lusher and she came over. She helped me take care of Minah for a few hours and then I decided to go practice for a few hours in the studio.

While I was still trying to figure out a part of my new choreography I heard my phone going off several times. I tried it on to see who it was.

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