Can You Like... Die? (Original)

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Sliding down a large slope of a street in his town on a metal board, (blank) was being chased down by a collapse of cars and fire. Just before it hit, (blank) jumped up and grabbed a sign post, it broke as he swung but it was enough for him to hover over the wreckage. He falls into his legs and spins allowing him to land safely...

???: "Wow... You really want (blank) dead?"

¿??: "Of course... Its become my new goal."

???: "Bit of a waste spending it on a mortal, I remember you got a bit angry with one that survived your attempt."

¿??: "Yeah, but now it's a challenge, and I'm gonna keep throwing new tricks at (blank)."

???: "Wait, he's the guy? I thought you got him."

¿??: "2 weeks I've been trying to take (blank) life to reincarnate him... I respect (blank) enough to not attack during sleep."

???: "Wow... Might impressive, maybe you're onto something. I think I'll watch for a bit..."

Iskei is the concept of a person from the real world receiving reincarnation and going to another world, yes I agree with the confused about it not being a fandom concept cus I didn't know myself.

A god wishes to reincarnate this being who I won't tell you to be M or F but the god fails each time because this human is extremely slippery, smart, crafty. They've become suspicious to the attempts but are fine with it.

The story, is of a god trying to kill a human he respects, so he can Isikei them, but failing.


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