Daddy Issues

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Vic, Theo and Travis are going to a call. A call was made by a 7-year-old girl, worried about her unconscious mum. The three arrive and immediately, Vic starts CPR on the unconscious woman. The little girl starts crying and panicking, Theo comforts her. Travis helps Vic, setting up the D-Fib as the woman is now in V-tach. After one round of epi, the woman comes around and is quickly loaded onto the aid car.

Switches to Maya in Andy's office. She is pissed and in emotional pain because Carina is still not pregnant and is becoming very irritable with Maya. Chief Ross arrives to speak to her, asking how she is after that horrible call she was in last episode.

Switches to back Vic, Theo and Travis on an Aid 19 call. They are returning from GSMH to the fire house, and they are having a discussion. Vic mentions the mystery pregnancy test she had found and asks Theo if he has any idea who the test could belong to. He says no. He then got passive aggressive, saying how he wishes it could be their positive test. Vic then gets mad and argues him how it's her body and her choice.
Travis sitting in the back buts in quickly also says no regarding the pregnancy test.
Upon returning to the station, Travis who then spreads the word to the rest of the crew
Vic and Theo are not on speaking terms.

Chief Ross walks out of the captain's office and calls the team for line up. Maya questions where Andy is and when she is returning. Ross states that Andy's leave ends tomorrow so should be back the next day.

Scene switches to Andy in her car, singing along to a song driving with the windows down and a suitcase is seen in her back seat.

Switches back to s19, Sullivan pulled Chief Ross aside and asks if Andy left because of their argument which they had. Ross states that she doesn't know the reason and that whatever it is, it is confidential, and they can't discuss.

The crew is in the beanery, cooking breakfast for each other. The topic of the mystery pregnancy test comes up again and Vic then shares the secret that Andy had told her months ago. She tells the rest of the team about Andy being pregnant in the past and getting an abortion but didn't ever tell Ryan. The crew then ponder over whether it is possible Andy is the one pregnant. Jack and Sullivan both look worried.

Everyone starts eating breakfast, around the table and Miranda comes around with Pru and everyone spends time with her, distracting the team from their conversation. Jack and Sullivan both look at each other, a look of understanding passed between them. Vic notices their knowing looks and gasps immediately. Both Jack and Sullivan shoot her a look, shutting her up and pull her aside. They both tell her they know Andy could be pregnant but haven't heard anything from her. Vic looks at them both and says, "But which one of u is it?".
Scene cuts to black.

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