A Rush of Blood to the Head

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note: this is only roughly based off the events which occurred in season 6

*Flashbacks to season 6*

The aid car arrives at GSMH, Andy is doing CPR on Jack and Vic is driving. Warren is monitoring vitals, on the phone with the hospital asking for Teddy to meet them in the ER. He finds out Teddy collapsed too and is not able to be there.

Winston rushes down and helps them in the ER with a few interns and they rush Jack into emergency surgery. It is touch and go but he makes it out. Andy and the rest of the team are seen panicking and waiting in the waiting room and all gasp with relief when they find out he is going to be okay. When they go to the room, Andy is the first to hug him.

Theo and Vic are seen arguing again, he apologises for his attitude and begs her to take him back, saying he is so sorry for what he did. Vic is pissed but agrees to sleep on it.

A few weeks pass and everyone is seen getting ready for the funeral for Dixon.

More time passes and Jack is back at work, but he has been placed onto desk duty as he recovers. He is not very happy about it so starts to find other things to keep himself entertained and has started to get into a habit of watching Andy while she's at work through the window in her office (not in a creepy way but in a he's an attracted to her kind of way).

S19 gets called out to a big house fire.
A family of 5 was in their house when a fire started. A neighbour called the firefighters but by the time they arrived, only 1 person managed to get out of the house. S19 arrives, they are put on search and rescue.
Hughes and Bishop are sent inside to search the house, Montgomery and Warren are searching around the exterior, Sullivan is on hose lines. Station 52 arrive as backup and are put on fire attack.
Andy is making all the calls and after 15 minutes, all victims are out of the house and on the way to GSMH. Station 52 need help with fire attack so half stay back to help put the fire out.
A few hours later, the team returns to the fire house and Vic starts cooking up some pasta for the crew. Theo goes to help her and hugs her from behind.

Eli arrives at the firehouse after dinner and says he is there to meet with Travis but really is there to speak with Andy.

Andy sneaks off and sees him, they start talking and laughing. Robert is seen watching them from the staircase. Jack walks in on them talking in her office.

The klaxon goes off, calling everyone but Jack, Robert and Andy away. It's an Aid 19 emergency.
Eli walks out of Andy's office after being disturbed by Jack and Robert quickly goes in, pretending to need to talk to Andy about work
Jack confronts Andy immediately, saying she shouldn't be talking to civilians in her office. Robert tells Jack to shut up and leave as Andy is a grown woman and can make her own decisions. Jack leaves angrily and Andy gets pissed at Robert.
"You divorced me, you do not get a say in who I date, sleep with or linger my eyes on"- Andy
Robert rolls his eyes and scene switches.

Klaxon goes off and scene cuts to some of the team on their way to the emergency.
Scene returns with Andy in bed with someone but can't tell who.

What If: Season 7 Station 19Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon