06 ~ So close

319 15 2

~ Sam's pov ~

Maddison thought she was being sneaky when she grabbed the bottle of vodka from a distant table. She thought no one would notice her having what seemed like her 50th drink of the night. But I did, I'd seen everything she'd done. I'd even seen her flirting with that stupid Ashlee girl, staring up at her through her long eyelashes, her stunning blue eyes not looking away once, except when people came around offering her drinks which she had eagerly taken and drank in one large sip. 

She was extremely drunk, barely able to walk in a straight line let alone talk but she just kept drinking. She raised her glass to her plump lips which looked so soft for kis- I scolded myself for even thinking that. We'd barely just made up for our fighting over the last eight years and here I was already picturing me and her in bed together.

No I needed to stop.

I got off the couch not even addressing the people who were trying make friendly conversation with me. I reached her just as she took a sip. I grabbed the glass out of her hand and she made a noise that was a mix of a grunt and high pitched squeal.

She sounded like a dying animal.

A cute dying animal.

'Sammmyyyyyyy' she could barely speak properly, her words coming out all mumbled 'my drinkkk.' she made a pathetic attempt of grabbing it, stumbling and nearly face planting but i grabbed her by the waist pulling her up and letting her lean on me. 

I felt her eyes gaze at my face and her hand stroke my arm. My whole body tensed up from the interaction but I shook it off. 

'I can't believe I've never realised how hot you are.' Her words are barely understandable but they ring through my head. It's nothing. She's very drunk she's just making things up. 

I smile at her leading her to a couch where she lies down as she makes contact with the soft fabric she lets out a slight moan and I know it shouldn't but it really turns me on and I have to get away before i do anything irrational . I crouch down beside her 'I'm getting our stuff and then we're leaving. ok?' I speak to her like I'd speak to a 3 year old, and she makes a noise that I assume means yes. 'Don't do anything stupid.' 

I get up and go to the other side of the room grabbing Maddi's small handbag and her phone. I can't help but look when the screen lights up a message appearing.

Its from the bitch Ashlee, I ignore it, knowing that if everything goes to plan she won't be getting laid tonight. 

Well not from Maddi anyways. 

I head back to the couch where Maddi should be laying but am greeted by a very different scene. A loud group of people cheering and standing around a table, I dread to look up, scared of what I'll see. 

My jaw drops when I see Maddi standing on the top of the table, chugging a large shot glass of who knows what. 

Explains why people are screaming 'Drink' at the top of there lungs. Maddi finishes and does a little dance of victory. I cringe for her but thats before she collapses. 

I barge through the crowd not caring if I hurt anyone. Once I reach Maddison I pick her up and hold her over my shoulders, walking straight to the exit. I feel eyes trained on us as I walk out but I ignore them, not giving a fuck. 

Maddi's complaints fall to ears that aren't listening to her and I kick open the door, my hands to full to push it open.

Way to do a dramatic exit. I laugh to myself.

Strawberry Kisses | Sam KerrWhere stories live. Discover now