04 ~ Truth or Dare

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the start of this is my interpretation of the game tips and how we used to play it in ps so it might not make much sense, also its based of the matildas tiktok but instead of hayley its maddison


It was the last 20 minutes of training and all the girls were sitting on the grass looking at Tony who was explaining some last notes on how we can further improve and important stuff we needed to remember before the friendly game against france in a week, getting us ready for the world cup. He finishes talking about that before switching onto the next topic.

'Ok girls, we're just going to play tips until the end and then you have the rest of the day free.' He said smiling, 'But to change things up I'll choose the pairs.'

I didn't really pay attentions to the groups Tony was choosing until I saw all of my closest friends on the team get paired up with each other. Kyra joining Ellie, Caitlin with Lani and Raso moving over to Macca.

'i guess that leaves Sam and Maddison together.' I roll my eyes watching as Maddison walks over and sits down beside me. We sit there for a while in silence while Tony went over the rules briefly even though we knew the game like the back of our palms. I look at Maddison who hasn't looked at me once, she's fiddling with a small stick she found on the ground her face one of pure discomfort.

'Don't worry Butcher, I'm good at this game,' I whispered breaking the silence between us 'You don't have to look so nervous.'

'That's nice,' She says a small smirk creeping onto her face 'But I promise, i'm ten times better than you.' 

'No chance.' I say lightly shoving her shoulder 'By the way if you don't mind, I'll go with you to that party. I should try something new. Plus the brisbane roar girls are hot too.' I grinned.

'Gross.' She grimaces slightly before Tony claps his hand telling us all the get up. Everyone gets up grabbing onto their partners hands, I take her hands in mine as we stand together. She eyes our connected hands and I loosen my grip slightly wondering if that was why she was staring but then she grips tighter, causing me to wince slightly. 

'Calm down Butcher, I'm not letting go anytime soon.' I tell her, a red flush overcomes her cheeks which she just laughs off. Our focus returns to the game once the whistles blown and everyone starts running around trying to tag other pairs, me and maddison start off strong getting Courtnee and Alex out, then Tameka and Polks, Ellie and Kyra. We're chasing after Caitlin and Lani and I'm about to tag Caitlin when I feel something pulling me back, but my competitiveness gets in the way of seeing what happened so I keep running after them determined to get another team out. I miss them by centimeters before giving up and turning to see what had happened to Maddison, I laugh loudly when I see her face down on the ground I offer her my hand to help her up when Clare Hunt and Steph come over, Clare tags Maddison. 

'What!?' I scream at no one in particular.

'Calm down Sam, its a game.' I hear Maddison's voice from below me, I turn around to see her sitting smiling up at me. It's kind of weird to see her looking at me like this, normally she scowls or completely ignores me. I can't help smiling back, getting major deja vu from before we hated each other and I miss those days more than ever. I miss being her friend not her enemy.

'Maybe if you hadn't tripped then we wouldn't have gotten out.' I joke quickly after noticing I'm staring, not wanting her to think I'm a freak.

'Excuse me?' She looks shocked 'You were the one who dragged me to the ground.' She laughs and I join in, staring straight into her deep blue eyes and I can't help the feeling I get from her. The way her laugh sends shivers down my spine and when we were holding hands my heart would beat ten times faster.

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