03 ~ I hate you

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I took a seat at the table pouring myself a glass of water from the large jug placed in the centre. I smiled to myself recalling the earlier events of today.

'Girl, you need to explain.' Macca says blatantly 'First you rock up to dinner nearly half an hour late and now you won't stop smiling like a looney.' I laugh almost choking on the salad I was eating.

'It's nothing, I'm just happy. Do you have a problem with that?' I say simply and Macca gives me a knowing glare.

'I've known you for ages and that face doesn't mean that your just 'happy'. Tell my what it really is' she says not in a questioning way but more of a demand.

'If you really want to know I met a girl from Brisbane Roar, she invited me, or better us to the end of season party tomorrow. She asked if I wanted to come and said that I can bring you guys too so I said yes.' I explained Macca sits there for a while before shouting across the room.

'Lani, Mads met a girl.' Allana Kennedy looks up from her conversation a grin growing on her face before she rushes over to our table.

'I thought you had a different glow to you when you got back, was it romantic.' She fantasizes and I roll my eyes.

'It was just a small kiss nothing special.' I shrug hoping for the two friends to change the subject but they don't.

'And even better she's invited us to the Roar end of season party.' Macca says wiggling her eyebrows.

'What no way, it's a girl from Brisbane Roar?' Alana says looking shocked 'I got to tell Tameka.' I try to stop her but my efforts are put to waste and I sit there in defeat. 'Tameka! Mads got a girlfriend from Brisbane roar and shes invited us to a party.' Tameka squints trying to understand what Alana's saying eventually coming to our table.

'What'd you say?' She asks

'It's noth-' I try to say but am cut off

'Mads' girlfriend from the Roar invited us to a party.' macca says and I sigh laying my head on the table.

'Since when did you have a girlfriend?' Tameka asks me and I shake my head.

'I don't, it's nothing. Macca and Lani like to exaggerate everything,' Macca and Alana scoff at my words but I choose to ignore them 'all that happened was that I met a girl and she invited us to the end of season party.' I tell her.

'That's not all, they kissed.' Macca adds and I whack her.

'not everyone in the whole world needs to know.' I tell her and she puts her hands up in some sort of defence. The conversation seems to come to an end until Sam and Caitlin make their presence known.

'Who kissed who?' Caitlin asked and I groan.

'Mads kissed a girl from the Roar.' Alana says quickly looking scared before realising I've given up trying to stop them. I look at Sam who's expressions confuse me, a flicker of what seems to be disappointment crosses her face but I choose to ignore it, too tired to be dealing with this shit.

'Jeez Butcher, that's good from you. I didn't think anyone would want to kiss that ugly face.' Sam teases and I shoot her the biggest death glare ever, if looks could kill she'd be a goner. 'I'm just joking, calm down.' She holds her hands up in defence after noticing my look and my expression returns to normal but I still make sure to throw a handful of salad at her. 'You did not just do that.'

'I'm pretty sure I did Kerr.' I say smugly smiling as the salad dressing that once coated the vegies now drips down her top. She wipes it up with her fingers coming over to me and wiping it on my face. I gasp feeling sick at the sticky feeling. 'Fucking die in a hole, please.' I tell her getting up and wiping it off with a napkin.

Strawberry Kisses | Sam KerrNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ