05 ~ Only seven minutes left

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Maddi could not believe what she was about to do, she had come to this party to have a fun and take time away from the stress leading up to the world cup and all the pain the media was giving her.

'Come on love,' Sam offered her hand, her smirk not leaving her face, 'A games a game.'

She grunted and reluctantly took her hand as Sam assisted her up.

As she walked past Sam she turned back to the others, mouthing the words; 'Help me" before they were out of sight.

Elizabeth guided the two of them to a slim, little corridor that came of the corner area that they were all sitting.

'Have fun. But not too much.' The american winked at Sam, who went in first; Maddi following not long after.

The closet was small. Very small. There was little light and that was coming from the open door and the party that was still raving on not too far away. The shelves that lined the space, were piled high with who knows what.

The cupboard was far from heaven.

seven minutes left

'Oh great.' She sighed, as Elizabeth closed the door behind them until the tiny room was more or less pitch black. She could still see Sam's figures outline and her face was dimly lit. She could feel her body shove up to hers, as she had no more room to move, now the door was closed.

'What you afraid of the dark or something?' she laughed.

'No.' She replied sternly, but continued to pull out her phone and turned on flashlight causing a burst of light to radiate from her phone.

'Well that doesn't do much for your case,' The brunette teased.

The first few seconds went by slowly as ever. Maddi was constantly glancing down at her watch, of which she was waiting for the time to reach seven minutes.

'You know looking at your phone every few seconds won't make the time go by any faster.'

'How do you know that?' She glanced back at the digits, "its already been thirty seconds.'

She let out a little huff, "pfft. That's just been you complaining.'

Her voice echoed slightly against the soft bell noise that just rippled through the closets door and bounced off of the walls around the rest of the room. Pizzicato strings  then came in, followed by a harp.

'Ah,' Sam smiled, recognizing the tune the harp was so effortlessly playing before the violin came in.

'Swinging in the backyard'

Her voice was annoyingly adorable, but the fact that she was out of tune and slightly out of time, made Maddison grimace.

'Stop.' Her expression showed slight disgust, but that just fueled Sam to continue,

'pull up in your fast car'

6 minutes left

She now started with hand gestures, shaking her finger, 'your voice is terrible.' She crossed her own arms. Sam ignored her.

Strawberry Kisses | Sam KerrWhere stories live. Discover now