07 ~ Yet So Far

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I pushed Sam away, shocked at what almost happened. She didn't let me go at first. I was so shocked that I began choking on my own spit. A black car had pulled up next to us. The doors opened and a small crowd began to form.

Mackenzie, Steph, Kyra, Alanna and Caitlin.

I took another big step away from Sam, not wanting to cause any suspicions. But in all honesty they had probably already seen enough to kind of understand what was going on.

They probably could understand what was going on better than I even did. The seven of us stood in an awkward silence for a few seconds everyone looking from one person to the next.

'What the fuck are you guys doing here?' Sam's demanding voice fills the quietness and I try to melt away into the darkness. 

'We came to check on you guys.' Caitlin says sheepishly. Everyone seems to be copying my actions trying to act like they weren't there. Sam was angry, and no one wanted to be the one she was mad at.

'How did you even know we were here?' 

The five of them all look at each other as if they were communicating telepathically.

'Funny you ask...'

'well you see...'

'So basically...'

They all speak at the same time pausing mid sentence before Macca speaks.

'How do I put this nicely? Everyone who knows Maddi knows that she isn't the wisest, she has no sense of direction or time and she isn't very well educated with stranger danger. No offence maddi.' She adds at the end giving me an apologetic look which I scoff at. 'Yeah to sum it up she's pretty stupid, everyone knows about all the times she's gotten lost or went home with the wrong people, so a while back me and a couple of girls got onto her phone and made sure that she was always sharing her location with us. Sorry for not letting you know Mads.' 

Sam looks to me, 'And you call these people your friends?'

'Yeah what the fuck guys?' I look at them all. 

'It wasn't me I swear.' Kyra says bringing her hands up to her face. I roll my eyes.

'You guys all stink' I tell them they all freeze 'too bad I love you guys.' I say and there faces visibly relax. 

'Ok let's go you can sit in the front and Lani can move into the back.' Caitlin tells me and I step forward towards the car before noticing Sam.

'It's ok guys I think I'm going to go with SK.' I wave and they say goodbye before hopping into the car. Leaving me and Sam standing alone again in the dark, I turn to her shooting her a small smile.

'You could've gone with them if you wanted.' She says avoiding making eye contact 'I wouldn't be mad.'

'I wanted to go with you more.' She smiles 'anyways they didn't buy me McNuggets, you did. right now you're my favourite person alive.' She laughs lightly.

'Shall we get home it's late and we have a flight tomorrow.' I roll my eyes forgetting about our flight to Melbourne for the France pre world cup friendly. I walk behind Sam hopping into the passenger seat. She starts the car and pulls out of the dark parking lot. I look over at her and my thoughts flood back to the moment before the others when we almost kissed.

Blue lips un-kissed.

My lips were blue cold from the cold, wet weather. And un-kissed because they had been so close to hers but just missed.

Someone I had mistreated by not forgiving - by holding onto a grudge instead of getting over it and forgiving them.

Someone so hot it hurt.

We pulled up to the hotel we were staying at and I thanked Sam for the lift she smiled but didn't say much and we parted ways in silence. 

shit. She must feel akward because of the almost kiss. My stomach sinks. Sams never this quiet so this is probably because of that. I shouldn't have leant in, that was stupid we'd hardly even made up and I already did that.

I hate drunk Maddison.

Caitlin was sprawled across her bed a slight trail of drool trickling down her cheek and I laughed lightly taking a picture that I'm sure would come in handy later. I get into bed, but sleep doesn't come. I roll over trying to get into a more comfortable position but I just can't.

I get out of bed, giving up on sleep for the night. I'll be on a flight in 4 hours anyways so I will sleep then. I walk down the stairs into the area where everyone always came before and after training. The only light cam from a small fridge in the corner. I went to it and pulled out the small tub of chocolate ice cream I had bought when I went out the other day and grabbed a spoon before going to the couch to eat it.

I got bored after a few mouthfuls so I lay on the couch hoping that maybe I could maybe get a few minutes of sleep here. 

I wasn't expecting anyone to come down here for a while, so I was surprised when I heard movement from the far side of the room. I had passed out on the couch and there were red lines on my face from where I'd pressed into the cushions. 

I got up looking for what was causing the commotion.

'Everything all ri-'

I recognized the figure


There she was; the reason I couldn't get to sleep. The girl who I'd almost kissed.

'You do know you have an actual bed in this building right?' She stared me up and down, 'you look like a mess.'

I ignored her judgement. This wasn't the first time Sam had acted like this to me. 'What are you even doing?'

'I could ask you the same question.' she shrugged and sat down next to me. Looking dead at my face.

I started to feel self conscious. I looked like a mess. ' I asked first, answer my question.'

'You do realise this is a shared space.' She states the obvious 'You don't own it.' 

'Yeah, yeah. I know.' I rolled my eyes.

'Damn, Maddi, is this yours?' she leaned forward, staring at the melted tub of ice ream on the coffee table.

I was embarrassed and rushed to take it away, but her hand picked up the tub. 'This isn't even vanilla what are you doing with your life?'

'Vanilla?' I judged so hard. 'You don't need your ice cream to match your personality.

She laughed, her familiar genuine laugh. I love how good it sounded. 'Maddi, if you're not going to sleep, at least pack we have a flight soon.' She tells me. 

'Fine.' I groan standing up and putting the ice cream in the freezer. I walk to where sam is standing and we head out together. 'See you later Sam, thanks for everything tonight.' I begin to walk away before her voice calls out from behind me.

'goodnight Maddi.' she looks at me and I realise i'm still in my dress which is drenched from the rain and my hair is all over the place. 'You look beautiful by the way'

I looked the worst I had all night.

a/n finally, sorry it took so long, i will be better at updating from now on. I am actually so tired cuase i had to wake up at 4am for a swim comp and then i had to play in a netball comp after that so there is probably a lot of spelling mistakes and grammer errors but i will edit tommorrow.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 25 ⏰

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