II: Growing Pains

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From then on she practically worshipped the ground I walked on. Anywhere I went, she followed. It started to chafe. To make matters worse, she seemed to think that she needed to do everything for me.

Among other things she insisted on "helping" me with archery practice. This included dashing over to the target after I'd finished a set (which I could see clearly, mind you) and reporting on my score. "Eight out of ten in the center, Garret! Wow! You're really killing it!"

Call me petty, but I had my pride to defend. What the other guys would think of me if they knew a girl was "taking care of me" as Kristen put it, I didn't dare imagine. "Uh, yeah, thanks," I would shout as she started prying arrows out of the target. Then she would bring them back to me and stop in front of me, staring up into my eyes hopefully.

"Thanks," I said again, taking the arrows from her and sticking them back in my quiver. After which her face would light up like the sun, and she'd take her place at my side again.
After four more sets, I decided it was time to pack it in. I was just sheathing my bow when she extended her hand expectantly. She already had my quiver, and apparently wanted me to give my bow to her as well.

I could keep my silence no longer. "Look, Kris. Not that I don't appreciate your help and all, but.... I can see the target myself. I can get my own arrows. And I can carry my stuff in."

She was nonplussed. "I know you can, Garret. I do it because I want to. Because..."

"Because you like me?" I interjected. Something in the way I said it made her face go red. She wrapped one arm across her abdomen, grabbing hold of her elbow. "Yeah... Garret, I'm just trying to be nice. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Well, it's a little annoying, Kris. I can't go anywhere without you clinging to me."

"You think I'm clingy?"

Let it stand as witness to my ignorance about girls that I didn't sense danger here. "Just a bit, yeah. A little room to breathe would be nice."

She raked a hand through her hair, glancing away from me, and put her hands on her hips. "Umm. Okay." Her voice trembled with tears. "I... I won't bother you anymore, then." Slipping my bow and quiver off her shoulders, she proffered them. "He-- here's your stuff."

I took them back, wondering what I had said, and she stood there awkwardly for another moment, the back of one hand covering her mouth. Finally, she ran back inside, not looking back.

While I wasn't sure how, it was clear that I had hurt her feelings. Great. I got the strong impression that I shouldn't go after her, so I decided to shoot a few more rounds in the failing light.


Kristen found Garret's mother knitting in the living room. "Mrs. Hood?" She sniffed. "Can I talk to you?"

Alyss took one look at Kristen's tear-stained face and set her project aside, replying, "Of course. What's the matter? Did Garret do something?"

Kristen hung her head. "He said I'm annoying. That he wanted me to leave him alone. I-- I don't think he wants me around."

"Honey, I'm sure that's not how he really feels. He's just not used to you paying him so much attention. Personally, I think he hasn't figured out yet that he's as crazy about you as you are about him. But he will."

"It's like he has no idea that he's hurting my feelings," Kristen added. Alyss nodded slowly. "That's because he doesn't. Don't be too hard on him, dear. But... I would advise you to give him a little space."

Kristen wiped her eyes, sitting down on the sofa. "Yeah, that's what he said, too."

"These things have a way of working themselves out in time, Kristen. Don't let it worry you too much."

  I finally had to go in, and found Kristen sitting on the couch, her eyes downcast. "Kris? Was it something I said?"

  "You just don't get it, do you?" She exclaimed. I rubbed my neck awkwardly, looking anywhere but at her. "No, Kris, I really don't."

  "Boys are so clueless," she huffed. "I told you, Garret, I'm trying to be nice. And all you can do is complain."

  "Well, I'm sorry if it irritates me just a little the way you've been following me around like a lost dog. Do you have nothing better to do?"

  "You must really not like being around me. Maybe I'll just stay home by myself!" She balled her fists and stormed away, turning for one last parting shot: "Since it's so annoying for me to go places with you, I guess I just won't bother you at the tournament tomorrow!"

  My heart sank into my stomach. "Now wait a minute--" I protested, but got no further before she disappeared into her room and slammed the door shut. She wouldn't talk to me the rest of the evening. And at dinner, she sat as far from me as she could, glaring daggers at me in between bites.

  How I was going to resolve the issue was a mystery to me at the moment; but one thing was as clear as the fury in Kristen's eyes: I had opened my mouth and put my foot right in it.

  Mom detained me as I washed my dish, looking me in the eyes. "Had you given me half a chance, Garret, I could have warned you to let her be. I did try to talk her down, but then you came in and riled her up. She's a sweet, sweet girl, son, but if you make her angry--" she drew her thumb across her throat in the classic "you're dead" gesture. "I'll see if I can't change her mind about the tournament, but in your shoes, I wouldn't hold my breath. Goodnight."

  On that cheery note, I went to bed, telling myself over and over again that Kristen hadn't really meant what she'd said. Had she?

The Book of Days: Reign of DarknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon