How To Make Your Readers Hooked

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Eager to craft a novel that holds readers captive?I'm on a quest to spin tales as enthralling as Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, securing a devoted fanbase for years. The dream, however, proves deceptively challenging. The story envisioned in our minds doesn't always translate into the page-turner we imagined.But fear not, for there's a roadmap to success.

Why Readers Abandon Novels

Readers often close a book when they reach a conclusion that satisfies them, not the one you've crafted. This premature resolution typically falls into two categories:

1. "I don't care what happens."

2. "I already know what happens."

To keep readers hooked, you must make them care and keep them in the dark.

Imagine a time when you were immersed in a novel but had to take a break. Was the story etched in your mind during the hiatus, the dialogue echoing, scenes playing like a film in your imagination? This is the storytelling holy grail – embedding the narrative so deeply that readers crave more!

Now, let's unravel the three strategies to craft an unputdownable novel:

1. Create Likable Characters:

To ignite readers' compassion, make them adore your protagonist from the get-go. If it takes five pages to win them over, it's too late. The connection must spark on page one. Readers invest in characters they like, divesting from those they don't.While "likability" is relative, ensure your protagonist has relatable goals and flaws. The key? Have them creatively disrupt the status quo to pursue their ambitions. Changing the norm is universally appealing, resonating with readers stuck in the mundane.

2. Raise the Stakes:

Infuse your narrative with consistently high stakes. Every choice, consequence, and detail must matter. It's not about breakneck pacing but about imbuing each decision with colossal repercussions. This conflict – the danger, opposition, fear – elevates the stakes.Readers care when likable characters face potential loss, heartbreak, or pain. Maintain this tension throughout the novel by varying which character is in jeopardy and experimenting with troubles. Keep your readers invested by keeping your characters in constant trouble.

3. Be Unpredictable:

Readers cling to novels that refuse predictability. While caring about characters is crucial, predictability might tempt them to skip ahead. Genuine unpredictability requires extensive rewriting and excavating twists from your characters, setting, and plot.Combat clichés by writing down common ones and establishing rules to avoid them. When plotting, dodge clichés and readers' expectations. This commitment to unpredictability ensures your novel remains an irresistible page-turner.

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