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Sasha Young:

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Sasha Young:

What if the world came to an end?  "Sasha!"  What would cause it? "Sasha!"  Would it be because the sun exploded or some shit like that? "Sasha!" 

"Sasha, for god's sake I've been calling you for the past 5 minutes get up." My mum huffed while whipping the curtains open. I pull my duvet over my eyes groaning as my mum shuffles around the room. I slowly pull back my duvet letting my eyes adjust to the natural light as my mum continues snooping through my room.

"Mum, stop you don't have to tidy my room every time you come in!" I grumble as I walk over to my wardrobe pulling out my PE kit. 

"I wouldn't have to tidy if you didn't always leave it in such a state!" She says straightening a pile of biology papers. I could see Mum was in work mode as her hair was slicked back in a high bun keeping everything off her face, her lab coat dressed over her jeans with her science glasses on the top of her head.

"Mum are you not going to work today?" I ask pulling out the necessary uniform making her stop and look at me. 

"No, not today, as that big launch I've been talking about is today and I'm not needed right now?" 

"What even are you launching?" I ask trying to push out of her what she has been planning at work. My mum works for the government, but before you accuse my mum of being some evil scientist or that some kind of shit like that, trust me she isn't. She just wants to make a difference and according to her and her crazy calculations whatever is being launched today is supposed to have a massive impact. I don't know exactly how or what but I hope she's right. For the past couple of months, she has kept going on and on about this new project that's being launched to the public in over 70 different countries including here. 

"Where are these things being launched?" I asked my mum, wondering if I'd be able to watch the live thing. 

"All cities in the UK, but don't you have training after school." Shoot I completely forgot about that but it's fine I'll watch the re run on the TV later.

"Oh yeah, but mum can you leave and let me change," I say picking up my uniform and checking the time.

"Yeah ok be quick your bus is here in 30 minutes" Fuck it normally takes me 30 minutes to get changed. Mum walks out leaving me to quickly change and rush to the bathroom brush my teeth and apply a bit of mascara before rushing downstairs. 

I stomp down the stairs to find mum sat down at the kitchen table with bin bags folded over the table top to protect the wooden surface from whatever scientific shit mum's up to. I walk over to the fridge and grab a protein bar shoving it in my school bag before opening a yogurt pot. I peel open the top licking off the excess yogurt while looking back over at my mum. She's set up her microscope on the table and is surrounded by different biological materials.

"Hey mum I'm off Tod should be here soon, I'll be late tonight." I yell over to Mum who shortly replies, "Alright love, have a nice day." Without even looking up from her microscope. 

I push open the front door and see Tod parked in my driveway. 

I push open the school bus doors stepping inside and giving Tod a quiet hello before shuffling to the back. 


"Right so who's coming to Ollie's party on Saturday." Josie announced interrupting my friend groups conversation while dropping her tray on the table. I looked around at the my other 4 friends curious as to whether they too were planning on coming. 

Josie, Rose, Carlotta, Misha, and Nicky have been some one my best friends since year 7 and without them I think I would have gone mental. They all have completely different personalities like Josie's the crackhead of the group she goes completely crazy at parties and we kind of expected it as she's always been a bouncy kid. Rose is the academic kid or as we like to call her the work-acholic, she's got a scholarship in everything apart from PE. Carlotta's the quiet kid but will happily join us at party's, speaking of which she's currently not listen to a word we're say, to busy with her nose in another book. Misha on the other hand is straight up dumb. Don't tell her I said that, but she works so god damm hard yet it never seems to work. Then there's Nicky and if I'm being honest the girl's a complete mystery, but she's always got a line of guys waiting for her trying to unravel her, if I'm being honest I think she's the most manipulative person I've met. Finally there's me, I'm alright with academics but I'd rather play sport and train, don't ask me why but it's just therapeutic. Speaking of which I mentally remind myself to ask Josie if she's coming to the gym with me after school today.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a chorus of yes and Josie nods excitedly. "Josie, are you still coming with me to the gym after school today." 

"Oh hell yeah, but please can you do an abs work out with me, I want your abs."  She straight up says. Josie's always been persistent on getting abs after she saw mine at a pool party one time.

"Girl what is with you and Sasha's abs, it's really creepy!" Rose says butting into the conversation.

"How are you not?" Josie cries.

"Can we change this conversation this is just weird as fuck." Carlotta pleads raising her head from her book listening. 

"Yeah, so Sasha what this new government thing? I heard there releasing something towards the public today?" Misha questions taking a large bite from lunch. 

"I've honestly got no clue, my mum won't spill anything." I answer and the girl just gives a disappointed sigh. Josie opens her mouth probably to say some smart remark but before she can the sound of a loud bell rings through the lunch hall and everyone starts to file out heading to there next lesson. I pull out my phone checking my time table. Fucking Maths! God kill me. 

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