Chapter 36: Watchful Eyes 👁️🍭

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Dove Cameron pushes the adult-sized stroller, Little Melanie comfortably settled inside with her pacifier and plushie bunny. The park is filled with laughter and the sound of children playing.

Little Melanie: (babbling) Mama, wook! Birdie!

Dove Cameron smiles down at her age-regressed daughter, enjoying the simple joys of the park.

Dove Cameron: (softly) Yes, sweetheart, it's a birdie.

Unbeknownst to them, a figure watches from a distance. Remy Martinez, hidden among the trees, observes the tender scene with a mix of longing and regret.

Remy Martinez: (whispering) My little Melanie...

Fueled by a sense of loss and bitterness, her dangerous powers emanate like an invisible force.

FLASHBACK - Remy's Past

In the flashback, Remy clutches a small trinket—a remnant from Melanie's infancy.

Remy Martinez: (teary-eyed) What have I done?

Haunted by her actions, Remy is torn between the darkness within her and the desperate desire to make amends.


Dove Cameron and Little Melanie continue their stroll, unaware of the watchful eyes that linger nearby. Remy, torn between regret and a strange form of affection, wrestles with conflicting emotions.

Dove Cameron: (smiling) Look, Mel, a carousel!

Little Melanie claps her hands in excitement, captivated by the colorful carousel.

Little Melanie: (whining) Want a ride, Mama!

Dove Cameron: (laughing) Of course, my love.

As they approach the carousel, the sense of unease in the air intensifies.

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