Chapter 15: Cracks in the Magic Bubble 🏡🌧️💔

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Little Melanie, burdened by the weight of false accusations and the unfriendly atmosphere at school, sits on her bed with her plushie bunny clutched tightly.

Little Melanie: (teary-eyed) m' wanna go home...

Enid and Wednesday exchange concerned glances, their hearts aching for the little one who has become the target of unwarranted scrutiny.

Enid: (softly) Mel, sweetheart, we're here for you.

Wednesday: You're safe with us, little one.

But Little Melanie's eyes well up with tears as she clutches her pacifier.

Little Melanie: (sobbing) But it's not fun no more. I wanna be wif m' mommy.

Enid and Wednesday share a somber moment, realizing the toll this situation is taking on their little princess.

Enid: (whispering to Wednesday) Maybe she needs to go home for a bit. Regroup.

Wednesday: (nodding) We want what's best for her.


Little Melanie, with a heavy heart, picks up her crystal ball. With shaky hands, she dials her mom's number.

Dove Cameron on call: (cheerfully) Hi, my sweet girl! How was your day?

Little Melanie: (voice quivering) Mama, tan m' come home?

A moment of silence hangs in the air, and Enid and Wednesday exchange worried glances.

Dove Cameron on call: (concerned) What happened, lovebug?

Little Melanie: (teary-eyed) People being mean, and I dun like it here no more.

Dove Cameron's heart sinks, hearing the distress in her little girl's voice.

Dove Cameron on call: Of course, sweetheart. Mama will come pick you up tomorrow.

Little Melanie: (sniffling) Tank oou', Mama.

As the call ends, Enid and Wednesday sit on either side of Little Melanie, enveloping her in a comforting hug.

Enid: We'll miss you, littleone.

Wednesday: But if going home makes you happy, that's what matters most.

The room is filled with a bittersweet atmosphere as they prepare for the inevitable farewell, understanding that sometimes, even the magical bubble they created needs a little patching up.

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