Bonus Chapter

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Mia's POV

6 Years Later

The crowd's roar echoes around me as I stand on the sidelines of the Boston Celtics vs Chicago Bulls game, with the camera in my hand capturing the most epic moments of the athlete's career. I can't help but smile as I take different shots of the players in action.

Ace commands the court with his amazing talent and jubilant skills that still cease to amaze me today. He is only a few steps away from the opponent's basket when he shoots the three-pointer earning his team another three points.

I feel someone squeeze my bicep and of course, it's Gracie. She never sits in the stands because she can't sit still and is always constantly talking to me about anything that she has rambling around in her mind.

"Even though I have been watching him play basketball for a while now, I don't think I'm gonna get tired of it," she says.

"Same. It's unfortunate that, Lex couldn't come. I miss her," I say.

"I know you do but when Lex needs to study nobody can pull her away from the books," Gracie says.

I adjust the focus on my camera. "That's true! I am just excited to see my boy be back on the court again"

"Same but not like that, when Ace had to leave I was devastated because he was the only person I knew when I was watching the games," Gracie says.

"Same but it was worth it he needed a break and so did I," I state.

I decided to go with my father's advice and take the journalism job for the AAB company. Throughout my time working with the team I learned so much about Journalism, Camera quality, writing, and editing not only papers but photos as well.

The very first time I put out a shot that I took for one sports competition the head coach of the Boston Celtics reached out to me and asked me to be a media girl for them. They wanted me to take pictures, run the Instagram account, and do their media day shots.

Of course, I accepted their offer and I couldn't be more happy about it.

"So where's Amara," Gracie asks.

"She is sitting up in the stand with Ace's mom," I say.

Amara is my 2-year-old daughter.

I found out I was pregnant around the time Ace was starting his third year in the NBA. He decided to take the year off and spend it with me and the baby. Which made the process of being in labor less difficult.

As the final seconds of the game tick away, it ends with a half-court shot from Ace and I couldn't be more proud. I smile at Gracie as I walk up and hug my very sweaty husband.

"Well, that was an interesting game," I say.

"Agreed," Ace says out of breath.

"I'll meet you in the car," I say and plant a small kiss on his lips.


"Daddy Daddy," Amara shouts from the backseat.

Ace opened the backdoor and grabbed Amara out of her car seat so she could sit up in the front on Ace's lap with us.

"You played good today, like normal."

"Thank you," he says.

"Also make sure you watch out for number 23 he is a third-year player and has a bad habit of not looking before he shoots," I say.

"Mommy hs hak ei," Amara says.

"I agree," Ace says.

"I am just good a catching people when they are off their game."

"I know and that's always a good thing because it helps us," Ace says.

I smile and nod as I listen to the little giggles and comments coming from Ace and Amara's mouths.

Our house pulls into view behind the gate, of the California neighborhood. It's a very beautiful home where our family has created many memories. As we pull into the driveway, I look at Ace and see a sleeping Amara on his chest.

Ace carries her inside and takes her to her room.

Once I'm all settled in I start preparing dinner for tonight. With all the money that Ace makes he was able to build me my dream kitchen. He wanted to buy a private chef, a butler, and a personal cleaner but I said no because I enjoy doing those things.

"Smells amazing like always," he chuckles.

I flash him a grateful smile before placing the meal in front of him along with something else.

"A gift for me," he questions.

"I can always take it back," I state.

He doesn't respond but opens the gift. He immediately sees what's inside and turns towards me and engulfs me in a big hug.

"We're gonna have another baby," he says.

"Yes, we are!"

"Well there couldn't be a more perfect time than this," he says.

"What do you mean by more perfect time?"

"Mia I think I'm gonna retire," he says.

"What. Why?"

"I want to be more involved with Amara and the new babies life. I am gonna continue until the end of next year but after that, I'm done. I know I have only been playing in the NBA for a short time now but I think I need this," he says.

"If that's what you want then I will be okay with it," I say.

"It is what I want but don't worry I am planning on taking a job to coach somewhere here maybe at the college level," he says.

"I think that would be perfect," I say.



"So what's the romance book your reading tonight," Ace asks leaning against the doorway.

I'm curled onto my circle couch in my reading room. Ace built me my library and it is honestly my favorite place to be.

For a NBA dad he has incredible woodworking skills.

"It is called 'The Lost Bookshop' By Evie Woods," I say.

"And how many pages have you read so far," he asks.

"About 40 it's really good. It's about these two people Martha and Henry and they feel like they haven't fully been the main characters in their lives. Until one day this bookshop casts a spell on them and then their story becomes very extraordinary."

"Sounds good," he says.

"Do you want to join me or are you gonna keep standing there and staring at me," I say.

"I'm gonna join you," he says and takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"Ace just remember that it's rude to stare," I say.

"It's not rude anymore, because I wifed you up."

"Yes, you did."

"I love you," he says and plants a small kiss on my lips.

Even to this day I never get tired of those and I don't think I ever will.

Crying and Sobbing right now!!

It's hard to think that this is the end of THE BOY NEXT DOOR.

I truly want to thank everyone for taking there time to read this book it truly means so much to me.

There will be a longer authors note talking about anything that I have planned and thanking everyone for everything.

Word count: 1,204

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