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We get to the coffee place and just when you walk in you get the fresh smell of brewed coffee and baked goods

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We get to the coffee place and just when you walk in you get the fresh smell of brewed coffee and baked goods. This place was cute the name of the place was 'Coffee House'. It had a dark brick exterior, but the best part is inside. When you walk in you see white walls and leaves hanging up on the ceiling.

I ordered my black coffee and took a seat across from Alexis in a blue comfy round chair.

"You drink black coffee, I could never," Alexis says while taking a sip of her iced vanilla latte.

"Yes, I do, I wasn't always the biggest fan of black coffee, but I tried it once, and then I liked the taste of it so I kept on drinking it," I say.

I was still wondering where Ace went during lunch and why did he leave. I hope I had nothing to do with it. But overall I like the guys they are nice, well Blake is the actual nice one. Ace is just so mysterious and intriguing. I want to know more about his life and what goes on in that little brain of his.



"You look in really deep thoughts right now, what are you thinking."

"Oh well I was wondering about the boys," I say while taking another sip of my coffee.

"Oh okay well Blake and Gracie are siblings and I have known them forever. Blake is on the football and basketball team, and then there is Ace," she sighs and takes a quick sip of her latte. "Well Ace, I could say isn't the brightest person, something happened to him a while back and nobody knows why but he just flipped a switch. He suddenly became quiet, less outgoing, got into some things with drink and he also started smoking," she says while tracing the rim of her cup with her finger. She suddenly became a little sad. I didn't know he went through all that.

I guess ace is a bit different than I expected him to be. I mean he is really attractive, but he has a lot going on in his life. I wonder what made him become like that or who made him become like that. What made him flip a switch and turn off his bright personality if he even had one in the first place?

"Oh my, that sounds horrible, have you ever tried talking to him or asking him about it?"

"I have asked him, but he has never really given me a good explanation, the only person that knows what has happened in his life is Blake," she says, and the sadness instantly turns into a little bit of happiness.

"How long have they been friends for?"

"Well I am not sure exactly, but they have been friends even before me and Gracie met. They were on the same basketball team and still are today. I think that Blake and Basketball are the two greatest things in his life at the moment. He looks a little happier when he is with one of them."

"Oh wow."

I never knew that Blake could be an important person in his life. Well I mean I could see they were friends, but I never knew they were that close.

Now should I ask her about their dating lives or should I save that for another time?

You should ask her.

Maybe I will.

"Okay but really serious question," I say, I breathe and say in my head what I need to say before I say it out loud.

"You are wondering what the boy's dating life is like." She winks and gives me a cheeky smile. "Oh don't worry your face says, 'I don't want to ask her, but I want to know."

"Yes, that is exactly what I was wondering," I say letting out a sigh and taking a final sip of my coffee. I mean for only knowing me for less than 24 hours she sure knows how to read people's faces.

"Okay well Blake had a girlfriend for about a year and a half then they broke up and he hasn't been in one since, and ace has never been in a relationship, but I should warn you that ace is the player type he will hook up with different girls every day, they longest relationship he has ever been in was a month. So as of right now, they are both single, and also me and Gracie have never dated any of them. I think it would be too awkward if we dated one of them," she says while taking the last sip of her coffee.

Okay, everything is starting to make sense. I know a lot more about the people and everyone seems so great, well except Ace.

Suddenly I hear a light ring from a phone, and I thought it was mine, but it turned out to be Alexis. I think she got a text.

"OMG, I forgot," she says.

"What happened," I say dying to know what happened.

"The school's football game is tonight, and I told Gracie I was going to go with her," she says while starting to collect her things together.

"Oh wow it does look like we have been here for a while."

"Yeah, I guess we have. Mia, do you want to come to the game with me and Gracie." Alexis asks.

"Of course, I would love to, but what do I need to wear, and do we have enough time for makeup," I say starting to freak out a little on the inside.

"Oh don't worry about it, Gracie will meet me at my house and we all can get ready there. You can also borrow some of my clothes and Gracie can do your makeup she is very talented," she says with excitement.

"Okay great, let's go then," I say.

I can't wait for the game. I feel like I know people way better. I know more about people's lives, well mostly the boys. I can always ask about the girl's life whenever, but for now, we have a game to get ready for.
Hey hope everyone is having a great day! I finished writing this chapter in study hall! Lol.

Word count- 1,053

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