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I dread Mondays

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I dread Mondays. They are the worst day out of the whole week because we have to go back to school. I am not looking forward to it.

I didn't feel like trying to put an outfit together, so I went with a pair of comfortable black shorts and a blue tank top. I put a hoodie on and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I walked downstairs to be met with the fresh smell of cinnamon rolls.


Made these quick for you in the morning since we ran out of milk. I will stop by the store later today if I can and get some. Have a great day today. -Love mom

I quickly shoved some books into my locker. This day is going by so slowly, and all I want to do is go home and eat more cinnamon rolls and watch something. It's also that time of the month for me if you can't tell. I normally don't act all feisty, but I have the worst pain today, and speaking of pain another just showed up. Ace leaned up against the lockers with his arms folded across his chest.

"I like that hoodie of yours," he said with a smirk. I quickly looked down and saw that it was the hoodie he gave me.

"Dam-it" I mumble under my breath, just enough so he could hear me.

"What do you not like that you are wearing it, because you can always give it back," he says.

"No, it's fine," I say.

"You sure because you don't seem fine," he says.

"I said it is fine Ace now do us all a favor and get to class on time," I say. I am now standing face to face with him, hoping that this eye contact will give him the hint.

"OH, the feisty girl is back. You Mad now," he says with a small cheer.

"Yes Ace I am mad, now get the hell away from me, please," I say while clenching the straps of my backpack.

"What are you gonna do, slap me if I don't," he says.

"Don't tempt me," I say.

"Well since you said please, princess," he says and gives me a wink, and walks off.

That was awkward. How could I plan on wearing ace's hoodie to school? Why did I do that? I think while slapping my hand to my head. I gather my thoughts and walk into the classroom. 1 class down 6 more to go hurray!

I sit at the lunch table not talking at all just listening. Gracie and Blake were arguing about something, Alexis wasn't here because she had an appointment and Ace was somewhere. I guess that he was probably fucking someone in the janitor's closet or somewhere.

Speaking of the bad boy here he comes walking in. Although, he doesn't look too happy, not one bit. The smile that he had on this morning was gone, blank, erased.

I wonder what or who happened?

He walks in and sits at the table, but not next to Blake or Gracie. He sits next to me. Now that's strange.

"Mia," he whispers just enough so I can only hear him. "I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. You were upset or frustrated about something, and me coming up to you made you more upset. So I'm sorry," he says with the same whisper voice only I can hear.

"It's fine Ace. Something is bothering me but it is nothing you need to worry about. I should be the one apologizing because I spoke to you like that. So in that case I'm sorry Ace" I say in the same whisper tone he used.

"I accept your apology," he says and smirks.

"Same here," I say.

"Also you are looking pretty hot in my hoodie," he says. But instead of the nice soft tone, he was using it changed to his normal bad boy voice, he then smirked and walked away from the table.

Now, what just happened?

I know that was a short chapter but I wanted to write one for you guys. Just wait for the next chapter it will be amazing and longer!

Also how is everyone doing today?

Word count- 714

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