"The one near the mall?"

"The closest one to the school."

The bell rings and before I could say anything Ahaan is already out the door.

After school, I quickly head outside. A rush of excitement that worries me. Why am I so happy? All I had in mind for the rest of the day was the biology project.

While heading towers the parking lot, a loud whizzing sound approached. Before the parking lot is a narrow sidewalk, which is pretty inclined and elevated. Students usually do bike down, but not this furiously since cars around all around. However, I could see panic on the guys eyes as his hands press on the brakes, but to no avail. He accelerates quickly, trying to keep straight as the cars and buses beside him leave little room to manoeuvre and turn away. At this point, he's going too fast to use his foot, risking injury. I look to my right- a grassy area, which is ideal if he chooses to purposely fall there onto its natural padding. Like the other students, I stand off to the side to let him pass, standing back a bit to give him room to stop.

In the corner of my eye, I recognize a familiar physique. Ahaan! I hear the guy shout as he approaches but Ahaan doesn't respond. He stares blankly into space and his hands clutched tightly on the phone that's pressed against his ear. The only space in between the tightly packed cars and huddles of students is occupied by him.

My feet carried me before I could think. I yank on him backpack and spun him around, turning myself process. In a sudden turn of events, I'm hooked off my feet and tumble onto the ground, my backpack luckily cushioning my fall.

In a daze, I try to make sure Ahaan is okay. He stands over me, in confusion, with his phone still pressed against his ear.

"Mom... I'll be there soon. Calm down, okay... Okay. I'll bring Sonu." Ahaan stutters in between words, trying to process two separate situations it seems. Frantically, he tucks his phone back into his pocket.

"Are you okay?" a voice asks.

I turn to see the guy standing next to me. Luckily, he seems to be fine as his bike is turned over on the grass. His hair is slight dishevelled and jeans grass-stained.

"Oh, yeah. Are you? You came down pretty fast," I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, the grass helped. Plus I accidentally hooked my handle onto your backpack, so that slowed me down too," he awkwardly chuckles.

"Oh, really? I thought an evil force came to take me away," I sarcastically remark to relieve him of the guilt for dragging me a kind with him for the fall.

"Here, let me help you up," he offers him hand to me.

"I'm fine-" I start to decline, but Ahaan lifts me up by the shoulder before I can.

Seeing Ahaan, the guy suddenly turn quiet and apologies one last time before excusing himself.

"Are you okay, Ahaan?" I examine his hands and legs for any scrapes.

"I should be the one asking you that," he sighs.

"That call seemed like it was important," I remind Ahaan, who stares at my hands.

"Oh, right. I can't do the project today."

"Is everything alright?"

"Something came up."

"I don't want to be nosy, but it looks like you're in a rush. I can pick up your sister if you'd like."

Ahaan scans my eyes and nods. "Yeah, sure. You know where her elementary school is right?"

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