Chapter Two

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Ashley POV

I woke up, I turn around. I realize. Jacob was right next to me. Actuality face to face. It wasn't a dream.

"Good morning gorgeous" he says. "Ehhhh" I let out stuffing my head back in the pillow. "Sweetie, is something wrong" he asks. I let out another "Ehhhh."

"Would you like something to eat" he asks. "Ehhhh" I say. "You must be hungry" he says, getting out of the bed. "Are you coming baby" he asks. "If it means I have to get up, then no" I reply curling up with the blanket.

I feel his cold arms wrap around me and picks me up. I drop the blanket and feel this cold chest against my body. I cuddle up to his chest as he walks into the kitchen.

"Aww what a cute couple" a girl with a black and green hair says. My eyes widen when I realize this wasn't a dream.

Jacob moves me into the booth, that's in the kitchen. "Really Katie" Jacob says rolling his eyes. Jacob then moves to the kitchen counter.

Katie then sits next to me. "The guys will be back soon, they went out for a run" Katie says. "They're coming back" Jacob mumbles. Moments later the door opens with all the boys coming in.

"How did you know they were coming" I ask in confusion. "Jacob can smell them from miles away" Katie says. "Jacob, you didn't tell her" Zack exclaims. "I haven't had the right moment" Jacob says. "Well right now a pretty good moment" Zack says with a lot of attitude.

"Tell me what" I ask. Jacob sits next to me and holds my hand. "Well, me and the guys are vampires" he says. I look at him in confusion. "You know how I told you, you are my love" he says. "Yeah" I reply. "Well vampires have connections to the one that is there true love. And you're mine" he says. "Doesn't vampires drink blood" I ask. "Yeah, but we don't. We drink animal blood from the woods. Only bad or untrained vampires would drink human blood" he explains. "Oh okay" I say.

"Wait, you're not gonna freak out" Noah asks. "I've been through weirder shit than this, so this isn't so weird" I chuckle. "Oh" Jacob says.

"Ashley, we should go have a girls day. We could go shopping, get our hair done, and nails done" Katie says. "Well I do need clothes" I say. "Yeah, you go. Me and the guys will go to the recording area for our album" Jacob says. "Oh okay" I say.

Katie and I finally arrive at the mall. I think we're in a different state cause I honestly don't know where I am. Everything looks different.

"So how does it feel to be a vampire's love" Katie asks. "I feel special" I say, laughing. "Where do you wanna go first" she asks. "Hot Topic" I say dragging her to the store.

Earlier Jacob gave me his credit card and said I could get whatever I wanted. I bought an All Time Low shirt, Bring Me The Horizon muscle tee, 2 Sleeping With Sirens shirt, Pierce The Veil shirt, 4 pairs of skinny jeans, and a pair of shorts. We went into Victoria Secrets and I got 3 new bras and panties.

Then we decided to go to the grocery store to get some food for me and her. Katie has Noah credit card so she helped pay and she got some stuff. We bought some frozen chicken nuggets, Peace Tea, and a bunch of other things.

Katie and I finally get back to our house, well the tour bus. "Here I'll put the food away" Katie suggests. "No no no. I'll help you" I say. We begin putting the food and drinks away.

"Here I'll do the rest, you should go put your new clothes away before the boys get back" she instructs. "Oh okay" I say grabbing the bags of clothes. I walk towards Jacob's room and I put the stuff down.

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