Chapter Ten

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Ashley POV

I get out to Jacob laying on the bed. I cough trying to get his attention, he shakes his head and looks at me.

"Umm yeah" he asks. I roll my eyes and smile. I'm wearing the pajamas I wore last night, but I'm also wearing one of his sweat shirts.

He gets up from the bed and walks towards me. Oh, how I love his flippy hair, his tattoos, his amazing smile. I love how his soft black hair just goes to the side, perfectly. I love how he looks in skinny jeans, he looks better in them then I do.

He comes up to me, I back up against the wall. His hands on the wall, pushing me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Our lips then crash together. I bite his lower lip, and he gives me entrance. We have a full on make out session. I actually got him to take off his shirt, but that's all far we did. Since Zack just had to knock on the door, asking if I wanted to watch American Horror Story with him.

Jacob and I are now our bed cuddling. He's arms around me, and I'm tracing the tattoos on his stomach/chest area.

"Can I tell you a secret" I whisper hoping he wouldn't hear.

"You can tell me anything" he replies.

"I have a tattoo" I say quietly.

"Oh my god, where" he asks in excitement.

"I always covered it up with makeup so no one would see. No one knows but my friend Rosey" I admit.

"Can I see" he asks curiously.

I get up from our bed and I stand up nervously. I lift up my shirt slightly, hoping he wouldn't see the scars on my hip. At the side of my stomach is a small tattoo of a rose.

"Rosey and I got drunk, we thought it was a good idea at the time" I say nervously. He drops his jaw and looks at me. I pull the sweat shirt down and stand there nervously.

Jacob gets up from our bed, and looks at me. "I can't believe I'm dating a badass chick" he smirks. I roll my eyes and smile. He picks me up and lays me back on the bed.

"I never said I wanted back on the bed" I mumble.

"But I wanted to kiss you and cuddle" he replies sadly.

"I'm just joking baby" I say with a smile. He jumps on the bed, saying "yayyyyyy." We both crack up laughing.

"I love you" I say with a smile. He stops laughing and looks at me. "You love me" he asks in a joking matter.

"Yep" I say popping the 'p'.

He gets close to me and pecks my lips. I look at him like 'what the hell was that?'

"Sorry babe, I'm the tease in this relationship" he teases.

"I hate you" I mumble.

"No, you can't say you love me then hate me, this isn't some Katy Perry song" he laughs. I roll my eyes and I laugh along with him.

I let out a yawn. "Is someone tired" Jacob smirks. "No" I say quickly shaking my head. "I think you are" he disagrees. "No, I'm perfectly awake" I lie.

I'm really tired, and I don't know why. I used to always stay up, but then again, that was when I was at my house.

"Fine, I'm tired. But I wanted to stay up with you" I admit. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"You're so sweet" he says kissing my cheek.

"You're sweeter" I say.

"No, no, no. We aren't gonna argue, so you can stay up" he says.

"Ugh, but baby" I beg.

"No, tomorrow is a big day and you need your sleep" he says stubbornly.

We move to where we are on the bed, like the correct way. We both get under the covers. I cuddle up to his cold chest, he lays his head on top of mine. I slightly drift off to sleep.

**In The Morning**

I wake up to an empty bed. My heart feels like it dropped. I move the covers off of me. I quickly brush my hair, so I don't look like a totally mess when I go down stairs.

I move down stairs, to see Jacob on the couch with Zack, Andrew, and Noah.

"Really Andrew? You have to steal my boyfriend, again" I tease.

"What? No" Andrew starts to panic.

"Morning love" Jacob chuckles

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Zack says in a insulting way. I give him the finger and walk into the kitchen. I grab a water and go back into the living room.

"You're girlfriend can be such a" Zack starts before I cut him off.

"Zack, just cause you have no life doesn't mean you have to be a complete asshole."

Andrew and Noah's jaws drop. I walk back upstairs as Zack was in complete shock. Jacob then follows me upstairs.

"Are you okay" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm not a morning person, when I don't wake up next to my love" I smirk.

"Aww babe" he blushes. I kiss his cheek and walk back into our room.

"So, umm, what do I wear to your family's" I ask nervously.

"Just wear something causal, I promise they'll love you no matter what" he says pretty confidently.

"Okay" I say taking a deep breath.

I go to our closet and pick out a pair of skinny jeans, Beartooth shirt, and my converses. I grab my clothes and head towards the bathroom. I get undressed, I look at my scars. I put some makeup on them just in case someone sees or something.

I get dressed and I began doing my makeup. Thin black eyeliner, white eyeshadow, black mascara, and cotton candy lip gloss. I take my brush and brush my hair, slightly teasing parts of it.

I exit the bathroom and Jacob was wearing a Black Veil Brides shirt, skinny jeans and converses.

Damn, I have a hot boyfriend.

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