Goth Femboy x Athlete Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/n)'s POV

My life was great. I was the star basketball player. The school adored me and I had a bright future as a pro athlete. And by my side was my girlfriend, Himeko, who was regarded as the hottest girl in school. However, it all came crumbling down when I tripped and broke my leg in a game. While I did heal with time, the damage the broke femur did to the surrounding muscle meant I can't overexert too much, lest excruciating pain flare up. In other words, my sporting career ended before it even truly got started. And it was during this that another blow came. Himeko left me for the new star basketball player, Shuji.

I never liked him. He was full of himself and bullied others. So, it didn't surprise me that he'd try to steal my girl, I just thought she wouldn't give in to his advances. But apparently all the "I love you"s she said were lies. That was on me. I should've noticed her true colors sooner. After the breakup I turned inward for a year, my hatred for them growing. I wanted payback. And my chance came with a chance encounter at a store. I reached for something on the shelf the same time as another. When I noticed who it was, my breath hitched. It was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She was a goth, which I'd always secretly had a fetish for. But upon closer inspection of her gorgeous, I realized she looked familiar. "Kuroha?" She panicked.

Kuroha's POV

I can't believe this! Why did I had to run into him?! And out of all people, it was (Y/n), my crush! I drag him into the unisex bathroom. "Please don't tell anyone you saw me like this! Shuji and the rest will bully me more!" I've been bullied by Shuji and his posee for years. First it was because I was a goth, but then it got worse when he found out I liked guys. If he found out I liked to crossdress, he would make my life a living hell! (Y/n) immediately reassured me. "I would never tell that bastard! Besides, you look really good dressed as a girl. It would be a shame if you stopped because of him." He blushed while scratching his cheek. I blush madly at the compliment. "Thanks." It was then that he appeared to have a eureka moment and smirked. "How would you like to get back at Shuji?" My answer was obvious.

This was his plan. Himeko posted on social media that she and Shuji were going to have a date at the aquarium on Sunday evening. So, we would pretend to go on a date, with me playing the role of his new girlfriend. The idea was to make him jealous. As much as I loved the idea of going on a date with (Y/n), would it even work. Was I passing enough to trick him? Could I even compete with the hottest girl in school? Plus, it took (Y/n) seconds to recognize me. Would Shuji realize as well? "Just put your trust in me. We're going to make them pay for what he did to us. All you need to do is dress up and follow my league." He said all that while holding my hands in his, his face so close we could kiss, and his eyes staring into mine. "Okay!" I let out, red from my neck up.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was now waiting for Kuroha at the aquarium. We spent the week hanging out and planning. But I kept getting distracted by his beauty. He was everything I always wanted in a girl, except the girl part. But I'm starting to not mind that he's a guy. As I daydreaming about my dream "girl" come to life, I heard a voice that I dread. "Why, isn't it (Y/n). How sad to be at the aquarium all alone." It was Shuji, with Himeko hanging from his arm. "Ignore him, Shuji. I wanna see the fishies." I cringed at her cutesy speaking. She never acted that way to me. I clear my thoughts and reply to him. "Actually, I'm not alone. I'm waiting for my date." He seemed annoyed. "Really? Then where is she?" "Right here!" Kuroha ran up to me and hugged my arm.

"Sorry, I'm (Y/n)'s girlfriend, Kuroka." Both Shuji and Himeko gawked at how pretty "Kuroka" was. Just as I knew they would. "Impossible! Where did you meet her? Wait... Have I met her before?" He began to scrutinize Kuroha's face, but I stop him before he realizes who it actually was. "That's because this is the twin sister of Kuroha. People all the time say they look alike." Fortunately, he believed that lie. "Damn! I didn't know that freak had a hot sister! I would've been nicer if it meant getting closer to this babe!" Both Kuroha and Himeko seethed at this response. "What do you mean?! I'm your girlfriend! Ignore this slut and let's go inside!" Himeko said, dragging Shuji inside. Things were going exactly as planned.

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