Femboy Gwen Stacey x Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/n)'s POV

I walk into the crime scene, but this was no typical crime scene. No stolen goods, no dead bodies, no women weeping after a heinous act was done to them. Instead I hear the lustful ravings of civilians that had been restrained by the police. "I need cock! Someone please fuck me!" Yelled a woman. "Pussy! I want to fuck a pussy!" Yelled a man. The room was filled with these people. However it may seem, though, these aren't sex fiends. They were the unfortunate victims of an aphrodisiac gas, released by a foul villain who goes by the name Horngasser. Once again, we were unable to stop him. I clench my fists as I walk away from the scene.

Presently, I look like a police officer, but I'm actually in disguise. I'm the superhero Ectoman. Part human, part symbiote. I was created in a now destroyed lab, but now serve to bring justice to New York. But I don't do it alone. Lowering from a web above me is Spider-Woman. "Same as the last place." 'She' asks. "Yes. We got to apprehend this guy before anyone else gets hurt." I answered. 'She' nodded gravely. We climbed onto the roof of a skyscraper to discuss our game plan. With no one around, turn back to my default human form, while 'she' took off her mask.

The true identity of Spider-Woman is Gwyn Stacey. And no, that wasn't a typo. It's Gwyn with a y, because that's the masculine form of the name. Yes, 'Spider-Woman' is actually 'Spider-Man'. He's just a femboy, so everything he wears is feminine, including his spider suit, which led to people thinking he was a woman. He doesn't mind as 1) he takes it as a compliment and 2) it further hides his identity. Further helping that is the fact he barely has a bulge due to tiny dick, or dicklet as I like to call it. And yes, I've seen it, considering I've been dating Gwyn for years. I find it cute, and so does he.

Gwyn's POV

"(Y/n), are you listening?" I ask. His mind seems to easily wonder. I wonder what he's thinking. My voice brings him back to Earth. "I'm sorry." He blushes. "You said you had an idea?" I ask. "Of course. Look at this." From his symbiotic body forms a cigarette. One that looks used and discarded. "This looks like an ordinary cigarette, but it's actually an ear and a chunk of brain. It's basically a biological listening device." Being half symbiote gave him weird powers. He could transform into anything and anyone. And he can splinter parts from him to do tasks. Now he can create listening devices? He's always creating new ways to use his powers. Especially for sex. I swear he uses them mostly for that. I inwardly sigh.

"Gwyn? Now you're daydreaming. I asked if you thought it was a good idea to scatter these across the city." I blush. "Of course. We might be able to overhear him and find out where he is." And then we left, scattering the 'cigarettes' everywhere in the city. After a week, we gathered them all back and he absorbed them back into his body to access their memory. It took a few days to sort through it all, but it came to a head when said, "I've got it. I heard this conversation. 'The boss said he wants the ingredients for the gas to be brought to the warehouse on Stirling Street. We had to abandon the old one because the cops were starting to sniff around the area. Just make sure you stay on the down low.' After that I heard him hang up a phone." With that, we know where he is. Just you wait, Horngasser. Soon, you'll be behind bars.

We went to the warehouse and hid until they arrived. Stepping into the warehouse was a balding, skeletal framed man. The hose attached to a bag of gas on his back revealed his identity. Horngasser. We didn't time after that. We descended from the ceiling and begin taking out his men. One by one they fell, until only he remained. "Surrender now, unless you want me to bring you in with your bones shattered!" I shouted. "How about I make you my wanton slut instead?!" He shouted and shot the gas at me. I didn't hold my breath fast enough and I breathed in some of the gas. It was quick acting as all I could think of was one thing. "Dick! I need dick to fuck my bussy!"

(Y/n)'s POV

I gape at the scene before me as Gwyn tore the back end of his suit and started fingering his ass desperately. I wanted to help, but we were in a battle. "You're gonna pay for that!" I increased my body mass until I was on par with the hulk and charged. He blasted with the gas. It had no effect because I didn't need to breathe in the first place. I'm made of goo that can survive in the void of space, after all. But it did sting my eyes, temporarily blinding me. I formed new eyes and looked around. The room was foggy with the gas, making it hard to see my surroundings. I increased the size of my ears and the size of the part of my brain responsible for hearing, giving me sonar.

I hear his steps at 3:00. I dash and smash the place where I heard him. I felt a crumpled body under my fist. I increased my lung capacity and blew away the fog, revealing the bruised, mangled, and unconscious body of Horngasser. My slime wraps around him and turns into ropes. I did the same for his men. With that taken care of, I turn my attention to Gwyn. "Now that you beat him, can you please fuck me?! I need your cock so badly!" To my shock, he had loosened himself so much, he was fisting himself. I grinned. I called the cops and carried my Gwyn to a more secluded area.

Sex Scene

Gwyn's POV

He carried me into a shack on top of a building. I wished he'd just fucked me there. I don't care if people could see! My bussy aching so hard! I spread ass. "Hurry!" He instead just flipped me on my back. "Not until I get to play with your body." He teased. He kissed me. My tongue desperately lashed out at his, twirling together. He rips apart the rest of my suit. It was already ruined anyway. His hands grope my chest. I moan as plays with nipples. His hands soon weren't hands. They transformed into mouths that latched onto my nips and tugged and sucked with pleasure. Oh God! The way he changes his his for the sake of pleasuring me!

Separating from our kiss, he looks down. "Aww~ Look how hard your dicklet is. It's trying it's best to prove itself manly." I look at my little 1 inch dick. Most men would be ashamed, but I'm proud. My boyfriend loves the little thing. "I think I shall reward it with a kiss from my dick." His large potentially infinite dick extended, the cockhead being replaced with a mouth. I moaned as his dick's mouth began sucking on my dicklet. I preferred anal, but I also enjoyed this too. The mouth opened up more and swallowed my halls as well. I feel its wet tongue wrap around my glands asking for me to release. With the assault on both my nipples and dicklet, how could I not?!

(Y/n)'s POV

Gwyn's moans are so cute. He's so fun to play with. In the end, I'm so glad I got these powers. If I didn't I wouldn't have met Glyn, and I wouldn't be able to do all this with him. I can tell he's getting close. Don't worry, I'll get you there. I kissed him harder as I increased my toying of his nips and dicklet. My hand mouths were tugging fiercely. I noticed lately, that he's starting to grow there. As if my constant suckling is tricking his chest into thinking they're breasts. Same cannot be said about his balls. They seem to shrink each day. Speaking of them, my cock's mouth can feel them tightening. Gwyn squeals as he climaxes, my body absorbing his squirts.

But despite him just coming, he didn't seem in the slightest bit sattisfied. "Please! Fuck me! Enough foreplay! I want your cock!" He seems to be really cock crazed right now... Wait! I got an idea. I stand up above him, with my huge cock at attention. And just like the head's of the mythical Hydra, my cock split into several cocks, ready to please my Gwyn. He looked on with blind lust. "Dick! Dick! Give me dick!" He grabs onto two of them to jerk off while he opened his mouth. An opening another dick took advantage of, snaking its way into her mouth and down his throat. Despite struggling to breathe, he looked in total bliss.

Gwyn's POV

Dick! Cock! It tastes so good! I love cock! Cock's the best! I bob my head as I take in the tentacle like dick. I can feel them wrapping around me. Sliding along me. It feels so right. Precum is slowly lubing up my body, making it glisten. And then I feel it. I feel a cockhead at me entrance. Fuck me! Please enter me! As if to reply to my wishes, it entered me. I tried to squeal in pleasure at feeling it rub against my prostate, but the cock in my throat got in the way. It didn't try to hold. I had worked myself so loose that slid in and out with little effort. But because of that one didn't feel enough. I needed more! More cock!

I felt another at my entrance and it forced itself through. I moaned loudly. Two cocks! But more! I need more! A third slipped in! It's so good! But I need at least one more! One more! And finally a fourth cock entered! I screamed in bliss. They all thrusted into me at eratic paces, demolishing my bussy. I don't think I'll be able to walk for weeks! Then the craziest thing happened. They merged into a single, gigantic cock! It thrusted deep in me, I saw it's outline in my belly. This was too much. I clenched hard as I had the most powerful orgasm I've ever had shook through me. And he then came! Gallons of cum filled me until I looked like I was 5 months pregnant. I passed out after that.

(Y/n)'s POV

Horngasser was now behind bars. His perversions won't bother the people of New York any further. However, he will still haunt me and Gwyn's lives, as we can't go back to normal sex. Though, I don't either of us mind this haunting.

Femboys x Male Reader LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now