Asuramaru (Ashera) x Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/n)'s POV

After years of searching, I have finally found it. Ashera's sword. It infuriated me to find out it was being used by those damn humans, but I was able to take them out. Even more fortunate was the fact they were filled with enough blood for the ritual. First I stabbed the katana into the ground. Around it I made a magic seal out of blood. It was large and intricate. Requiring at least twenty-four bodies to make. With that done, I began chanting the required spell. The blood glowed a hellish red. The sword began to shake as it sucked the blood around it. The red lines were now rivers flowing toward it. Once all the blood was absorbed, a bright red light flooded the area. Once the light dissipated, I saw that in the sword's place was my Ashera.

It takes all my will not to rush towards and hug him. After all these years, I'm reunited with my love! But what he said next dampened the mood. "Foolish creature! You just released a demon onto this world! Do you realize how many will die now because of your actions?!" He said sadistically. I frown. "I don't care. If you wish to destroy this world, I will help you. I just wish to have you by my side again, Ashera." He squinted in confusion. "My name is not Ashera. It's Asuramaru! And I have never been acquainted with you!" I feel like I've been stabbed in my vampiric heart by a wooden stake. "Do you not remember me? It's me! (Y/n)! How can you forget all those years we were together? The passionate nights we shared?" I ask desperately.

Sadly, he seemed annoyed. "Listen! I have no memory of my life before I became a demon. And honestly, I don't care! Whatever relationship we may have had is dead! Though, I will thank you at least for freeing me. Goodbye." Asuramura relished in my heartbreak. He truly became a demon. As he left I felt rage. Not at him, though. It's his demonic nature making him act this way and forget about me. I'm angry at the bastard that turned him into a demon! Sika Madu! It's bad enough he took Ashera away, but he had to do this to him. If I ever see him again, I'll kill him. But for now, I have to break through to Ashera. I've waited two millennia to be with him again. This final barrier won't stop me!

Asuramaru's POV

It's been days since I've been freed. I've had a blast finding human settlements and slaughtering them. I hate humans. Such loathsome creatures. The only thing I dislike is the fact that that vampire is following me. I've considered just killing him, but I can't seem to bring myself to. Do I feel pity for the man? Is it because he's cute? I don't know. "I know you've been following me! Show yourself!" I decided to confront the man. He appeared from behind a wall. "Hello, Ashera." Like I told him before, that's not my name. "(Y/n), was it? I told you before. I'm no longer the person you knew. Go away!"

He sat next to me. "I disagree. You've changed, but you're still Ashera, even if you no longer go by that name. I spent millennia without, I refuse to endure anymore. Can you at least let me accompany you?" What nonsense is he saying? I should say no, but... "Fine. If I'm stuck with anyways, I might as well let you come along." And so began my journey with this man. The guy was like a dog who was reunited with his owner. Happy to do whatever I asked. Does he like spending time with me this much? It makes me feel weird knowing that. This feeling is somehow familiar. And for some reason I like it.

A week passed and I felt more drawn to him. In my dreams I see us snuggling under the stars. Him telling me stories he heard, and then in the morning waking up in his arms naked. Were these my memories from before I was a demon? I can feel the old me slowly awakening. Ashera was beginning to overtake Asuramaru. No! We can't have that! This person is making us weak! We are Asuramaru! A demon who desires nothing more than the destruction of this world! And anyone who threatens that goal must be eliminated! The vampire must die!

(Y/n)'s POV

I think I'm starting to see some change in him. The way he acts around me lately is less unfriendly and more tsundere. I honestly was scared that he might not remember me, but I saw him mumbling my name in his sleep with the cute smile I loved so much. I can feel it. Soon, he'll fully remember and we can go back to the life we had before Sika Madu ruined it. I missed Ashera so much. I missed his smile. I missed his warmth. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine. And embarrassingly, I miss the pleasure of making love to him. But hopefully, I won't have to wait much longer to experience them again.

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