18. Getting Toru some new stuff

Start from the beginning

Tonuk- "Yeah, that's true," he looked back at Toru, "You know what, I'll explain in a bit, lets just get this little guy to bed alright? It's looking pretty tired after eating"

Ri agreed, following Tonuk as they walked to a spare bedroom, which Toru proceeded to quickly go to sleep in.

They watched it curl up and go to sleep, they both wished for it to sleep well, but it only reacted when Tonuk spoke.

They closed they left the room, turning off the light and so, Ri walked Tonuk in the the living room to continue talking.

They sat down on a gray, long couch, in the living room there was a table, window and screen.

Ri- "So again, what was that whole thing about?"

Tonuk- "Alright well, so you know how our species evolved for much longer than yours right?"

Ri agreed.

Tonuk- "Well bassically, we developed a basic kind of instinctual language for babies, like, a specific sound for being hungry, tired, sleepy, and stuff like that.

And I know what you're thinking, and no, it's more than just sound, it's also about the thing making the sound, looking like a baby.", he stopped as Ri was chuckling to himself, obviously thinking that exact thing.

Tonuk- "The thing is, that sound that Toru made, was exactly the same as a distress call for being too cold, like, almost dying, type of cold, which caused that."

Ri accepted that explanation, deciding to continue talking about something that's also important.

Ri- "So, how do you think it shows affection?"

Tonuk- "Well, we could check what other species do and just try different things out?"

Ri- "So, affection is usually shown with touch, grooming, attitude, sound or smell, so I guess we should start remembering things it has done"

Tonuk- "Actually, now that I think about it, when we were in its room a bit back, when it leaned on me and was taking some warmth, it started moving my leg fur around, maybe it was trying to clean me?"

Ri- "Dang, now I'm jealous" -He chuckled- "But anyways, that could be it, also maybe that explains those things all around its skin we didn't recognize?
Maybe it makes cleaning substances"

Tonuk- "I'm not too sure about that, since it seems to only come out when its tired, also it smells bad; but maybe it's specifically for its hands?
That's what it used for cleaning me; also, when Toru wakes up let's use that comb you got and see how it reacts"

Ri- "I'm still surprised you don't have one, like, I know that since Turo don't have long hair, it doesn't get matted and we don't need it either, but still"

Tonuk-"Yeah, I know, its just never been needed, anyways, let's go out while Toru sleeps, for some more untangling oil for its hair, since it has a lot more hair"

Ri agreed, they both dressed up and went out, feeling the colder air.

They continued walking, looking for the pet store that Ri ordered that comb from, since by now it should be done according to him.

They finally found the place, having almost missed the animal drawings in the front.

While they were there, they decided to continue looking for more things for Toru.

They got insulating clothes, some toys, since it ignored the ones they gave it, except for the balls, it seemed to really like those, and then some more things for the Turos.

They paid and walked back home.

They put the things for the Turo aside and moved over to Toru's new room.

It was still sleeping somehow, they were expecting that by the time they got back it would be up, so they could clean its hair already.

They put the things aside and got closer, seeing it sleep.

It was curled up and hugging itself, which looked adorable and made Tonuk want to give it some warmth, since that position usually meant feeling cold.

Ri approved and so, Tonuk reached out, having already moved some blood to his hand to warm it up, and lightly touched Toru, not wanting to wake it up.

It the position that Toru was, his hand covered almost half of all of its body.

They watched as Toru started moving, reaching out to Tonuks hand and hugging it while sleeping.

They almost died from just how adorable that was, and Tonuk realized that he was trapped now.

He couldn't move his hand away without waking Toru up, plus, it was now using its legs to hold his arm.

Ri laughed quietly at him, talking quietly about how jealous he was, then patting Tonuk in the pack and leaving the room.

Tonuk didn't really know what to do, so he spent some time kneeling in front of the bed with his hand reaching out.

Eventually his knees started hurting from this and he started looking for another way to stay there.

Eventually he decided to slowly move the bed, pulling it away from the wall and the rolling it slightly, moving Toru over to the side instead of the center of the bed.

He repeated this until there was enough space for him to lay down, which he proceeded to do.

He laid there, seeing Toru sleep, seeing more closely what they didn't see much of in the scan, which was its outside.

He continued looking for a while, eventually falling asleep without realizing.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now