Broken sheild

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Oh my goddddd that was embarrassing,so embarrassing.

Waking up cuddling against my classmate was the last thing I expected,and the almost worst part is i actually slept comfortably,a little too comfortably seeing I was hugging and cuddling with my classmate like married couples do on a daily basis.

My heart almost skipped a beat when I woke up,slowly and carefully removing my hands and legs,praying he wouldn't wake up.

Cause what if he didn't know I was asleep?what if he thought I was being a creep,grinding and hugging on him like a weirdo,this-this friendship,is it a friendship?whatever it is,it's already awkward the way it is,I genuinely don't need it getting worse after I practically kissed the guy last night out of nowhere.

But thankfully,he didn't wake up,to my knowledge,it's fine even if he knew that I was hugging and cuddling with him,I doubt he himself is stupid enough to make things awkward by confronting me about it,as long as the topic isn't speaked about,everything should be fine.

I sit up in bed,rubbing my eyes to try opening them better,I sit there for a couple of seconds,looking around me.

And I try,with all my might not to look at satoru,or rather stare,at satoru,because it's weird.

But I can't help,my eye glances to my right,taking in the sight of the boy sleeping soundly besides me.

He looked,beautiful,sleeping peacefully,white platinum hair messy,mouth slightly open with a small saliva trail in the corner of his mouth,running over the already dried out drool from all night,body relaxed and comfortable,his chest inflating and deflating every couple of seconds,quiet calm breathing that could barely be heard fills the tent.

Hair soft looking,almost as if I could comb my fingers through...

No,stop that,get up already and stop staring.

I pick up my phone and turn it on,time stating 10:17 AM,not usually a morning person so automatically waking up this early was oddly suspicious.

I get up,stretching a bit,scanning and looking around the tent for a bit to find my hair tie,nowhere to be found.

Oh well,fuck it I'll just look for it another time.


Satoru wakes up some time later,coming out of the tent,hair still messy from his sleep,he makes his way towards the little picnic area the teachers have put out to give food to the kids for breakfast,the last thing I expected was my heart to flutter when I saw his presence.

He truly was beautiful,a goddess,ethereal even,if I thought he looked beautiful sleeping,he looked drop dead gorgeous like this.

He still looked sleepy and tired,hand scratching the back of his head.

If my heart had fluttered when I saw him,it straight up stopped beating the second he looked at me.

One thing about satoru gojo,was that no matter if you liked him or not,there was audibly no argument that the boy was glamorous.

Especially those eyes,oh those eyes.

Blue eyes wasn't as rare of a thing to have,but satorus eyes were different.

They weren't the normal steel blue you'd see other people have,no,they were far far different,far more beautiful.

So many shades of blue,from a light navy blue,to a bright sapphire cyan,so many shades mixed in together beautifully,a work of art,it was overwhelming,in an amazing way,all I could do was stare,how could I not?

I felt hypnotised,stuck,my eyes glued shut to his,looking at his eyes,his face,trying to see if I can read through him.

Eyes,a part of the human body where most emotion bears within,you could see it all,happiness,anger,sadness,fear,disgust,guilt,all of it could be seen through someone's eyes if studied hard enough.

Yet I see nothing,the more I look and scann his eyes the more I realise I can't understand them,I can't see through them.

Pulled from my thoughts with his voice,voice deep and low.

G:good morning

I don't know if that was regarded to me,cause I wasn't paying attention,but I nod,even if it wasn't for me.

What the hell is going on with me?why is his presence so suffocating towards me?

I have a girlfriend,a girlfriend I love,I love her,her only.

Whatever this feeling is,I don't like it,it feels wrong,yet right at the same time,but I force myself to think it's not right.

My heart isn't supposed to flutter around my classmate,it just isn't.

The guilt builds up within me,the thought of having a crush on satoru seems terrifying,it's just wrong,in any way you can think.

I can't betray akari like this,my heart is supposed to belong to her,her only.

It doesn't matter anyway,even if akari wasn't the main point here,this whole crush idea is foolish.

My life is fucked up,too much drama,too much going on,that I already didn't want to involve a significant other in,akari is different since she's always been there ever since I was a child,but to involve a stranger,a friend into this chaos?it just isn't right.

I'll only slow satoru down,that's the bitter truth I have to face.

For now,I'll keep whatever this feeling is locked up in a cage,till I figure out what it is,and what I'm supposed to do with it.

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