Perhaphs a new start

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drowning in the ocean on one of the very first days of the field trip wasn't something I had planned in mind,saying I almost DIED

I sit there arms and legs crossed besides leiri and loris tent both of the girls sitting next to each other and making s'mores from the fire infront of us,the sun slowly setting making the sky a orange and pink-ish Color

Leiri was the first to break the silence as she puts a hand behind her head rubbing it as she looks to the side with a guilty face

"well,I think I own you an apology satoru-"

"you think?"

Flashback to yesterday

"oh come on satoru!just come with us in the water for a bit you're not gonna drown,just don't go to deep"

"no thank you-I wasn't in the mood for swimming anyways"

"come onnnn don't be such a party pooper,there's a lot of people here and you're only gonna go a few inches in the water"

"I don't know-the waves are getting kinda bigger I would rather stay at shore-"

"you're scared aren't you,you little pussy"

"what?no I am not"

"yea you're scared,little satoru can't handle some water"

Says shoko as a slight teasing smirk forms in the corner of her lips with a challenging stare to satoru

"i am not scared💢you know what fine💢"

"yeaaaaa come on let's take some selfies too"

End of flashback

although it was my own stupidity and pride that got me in that situation in the first place but I would expect some sort of apology after basically being forced in the water even tho leiri knew I couldn't swim

"oh come on it wasn't on purpose"

"motherfucker i was Close to DYING"

"well I'm sorry for forcing you but you shouldn't have thought of it as a challenge and try proving me wrong that you're not scared"

Lori was silent as she flipped a page of a book she was reading taking small-ish bites of the s'more in her hand

"well-you didn't!.."

I grab the nearest object around me and flung it at leiris head as it misses her by inches


"if it wasn't for suguru I wouldn't be here right now💢"

"about that,I was genuinely surprised he dived in to save you for the asshole he is"

"I feel like anyone would dive in to save another drowning human being-" says Utahime

"no not really,it depends on who it is,would you save Hitler if he was drowning?"

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