Over and over

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Was I gonna about to open up to a boy I barely knew?should I open up to him?

What if he judges me?what if he thinks I'm being dramatic?

Why does he even care if something is bothering me?doesn't he hate me?

But,I suppose it would be nice to open up to somebody every now and then..

Inhale and exhaling quietly,still looking at the ocean,I couldn't be bothered to make eye contact

G"I was neglected almost my entire childhood by my parents,money being shoved in my face as a cover up for my parents absence,although I had everything I wanted,everything any kid could dream of,the one thing money couldn't buy was my parents time,oh to have them by my side on birthdays,holidays.school events,but it usually never happened,I don't want my sister going through the same thing,I'm working hard to try graduating with honours,so that I can try filling for custody"

Exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding in until I let it out,my eyes still locked on the ocean as I could feel small tear drops forming in the corner of my eyes

Cussing myself over and over on the inside for being so weak,doing everything within me to prevent the tears from falling out

Looking at satoru from the corner of my eye,expecting anything bad that came to mind,only to find satoru smiling at me

A soft,relaxed expression and smile

The expression fades away slightly for a second before satoru speaks

"im sorry,no one should go through that,but you're a good brother,suguru,you're kind and caring,I'm sure you'll graduate with honours,if you just put some hard work into it"

"I know life can be exhausting,but I have faith in you"

His expression back to being soft again

Why?why is he so,kind and empathetic,towards someone like me?is it just because I saved his life?

Tears rising up in my eyes making my vision blurry,my cheeks slowly burning up as I look back towards the ocean

"thank you,satoru"

Satoru was a Bit taken back,but smiles at me and responds back

"of course"

Satoru eventually gets up and walks a few steps before turning his back toward me

"I'll come back in a bit,you go without me"

hmm alright,don't catch a cold"

I nod as he walks off his figure slowly fading into the woods while I turn my head back to the ocean

It felt nice to finally talk to someone,without getting judged

I eventually got up as well after a couple of minutes,still tired as I make my way back to our tent

Zipping the zipper open and taking off my shoes outside the tent,turning my face towards satoru only to find him out like a light snoring really softly

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