Brave or stupid?

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I walk through the hallways as I complain to my friends about suguru,hes such a dick

"hes just such so annoying,and unbelievably rude,especially to his superiors" I say

"just ignore him,sure you two won't even run into each other again,not like he'll target you from now on" replies shoko

"that felt like you were being sarcastic"

"stop overthinking everything."

I roll my eyes at her while the scenario flashed before my eyes again

Him being late,disrespectful,annoying,disruptive,cocky and unbelievably creepy and weird made me form my hand into a fist from frustration

But even after he let it go and started taking his own notes I still felt like I was being watched,like that feeling where you think someone is watching you so hard they might blow a hole into you?yea that

Fucking weirdo,hope I don't ever run into him like shoko said


We were finally done with second period and have already put our books in our lockers and on our way to the cafeteria

Shoko and utahime were talking about something but I couldn't understand anything,it was all like gibberish to me,cause my mind was still somehow focused on the first period situation

Why did I care that much?

I usually get bullied/made fun of so why did this one make me so mad?was I even mad?

Or was that something I wanted to convince myself?

I was lost in my thoughts until I felt shokos hand wave left and right infront of my face as she was jumping since she was quite short compared to me


"why tf are you looking down while walking?did you even hear anything I just said?"

"you were talking to me?-"

"yes!" Replies shoko angrily.

"sorry-I was lost in some thoughts" I say

"what thoughts?"

"just some family stuff it doesn't matter,just repeat what you were saying"

I say that as we finally arrive at the cafeteria

Shoko repeats what she was talking about as we sit down,just casual things on how her summer was and how she's nervous for junior year and other stuff,casual shoko


Almost half way through lunch shoko gasp as she stans up

I look up from my phone in confusion and curious on why she just gasped

"what is it?" I question

"look there!" She says pointing at the other end of the cafeteria

I look towards where she's pointing and see a small crowd of kids,they were in a circle,like they were surrounding something,or someone

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