No hard feelings

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3 days of the field trip had gone by,and well it would be a lie to say things were going fine,because infact they were not,well not for satoru that was-

Almost dying twice in the span of 3 days is just unlucky,at this point I'm starting to think the guy is secretly suicidal

At this point doing outside activities were stressful,I would not be surprised if he gets himself in another situation

Well not that I cared,as long as I'm not in that situation I don't have anything to worry about

And I guess the teachers took the hint and layed back on the activities for now

But not like the kids would just stay in their tents all day,no of course not

So here we were,almost all the kids were circling around the fire sitting on the wood log that was surrounding the fire,some of the the kids stayed in their tens,not surprised

Each log could fit about 2 people,3 at max if you don't mind being squeezed with another person

Me sitting with my girlfriend,satoru and the brown short haired girl sitting together and some other kids

It was mostly quiet,besides the other kids whispering and laughing every once in a while there was a slight tension in the air,but I couldn't guess who or what was causing it

"this is quit boring,and what's with the whispering?" Says akari

"none of your business" answers shoko

"excuse me?"

"you're excused"

"cut it out" I jump in.

"she started it!"

"I just told you to mind your own Damn business bitch"

"shoko let it Go-" jumps in Satoru


"why don't we play something?" Offers Satoru

"um what about truth or dare?" Says Utahime

"yea whatever"

I was never really a fan of games like this,especially not when it's with my classmates.

But it wouldn't hurt to play a little,right?

Ahh fuck it

"sugu play with us" my girlfriend says




A few minutes had gone by,same old boring truth or dare questions,nothing that special

"satoru,truth or dare?" Says shoko


"do you currently have a crush on anyone;3"

silence follows that question for a bit as satoru thinks,puzzled before answering

"I do"

that shouldn't have felt weird,what is this strange feeling?why did I get upset with the answer to that question?what am I even feeling right now?sadness?anger?Hurt?,no,why would he be hurt?it's none of my business who satoru likes,so why do I feel so strange?

"ouhhhhh who is ittttt"

"shut up,I think it's my turn,suguru truth or dare?"

I shouldn't have panicked when he asked that question but I surprisingly did

"dare" I answer

"I dare you to-"

satoru stops,thinking of a dare,the tension between us was rather awkward,I feel like it would've been easier if I chose truth.

"I dare you to-"

"kiss someone here that you find attractive aside harazu!" Finished Shoko


"bitch?no,that's not a dare" my girlfriend says

"then what the fuck is it?it's a dare,a dare is a dare come on"

"no,you're not kissing anyone her"

"if your ego is so crushed we can all close our eyes,he can go kiss one and sit back down"


"it's fine,just a kiss doesn't mean anything" I say

"yea exactly"

"ugh fine"

Everyone closes their eyes while I sit there still thinking about who I should choose,no other girl here peaks my interest,and the guys are all below average,my best option would be satoru

Now,if someone asked me to kiss satoru a few months ago,I would've possibly gagged,but the idea doesn't seem so bad now,I have no idea why or how I changed my opinion now

Nonetheless I get up and walk over towards satoru,crouching down before grabbing him by the cheek,he flinches,startled,seemingly raising his eyebrows from shock and confusing

Just a kiss,right?

I pull him closer as our lips interfere,my tongue slipping inside satorus mouth with ease,his lips soft and tender his mouth warm and wet tasting nice from the s'mores everyone had eaten not so while go,it felt good,too good for my own liking

The kiss doesn't last long before I pull away slightly panting,my cheeks were on fire

I go back and sit down,shocked myself that I just basically kissed my classmate,and satoru out of all people

Knowing everyone here i couldn't and wouldn't hear the end of this situation.

"you can open your eyes" I announce

Everyone opens their eyes,my gaze focused onto satorus to try and see if I can read his mind based of his facial expressions

He looked rather surprised,his own cheeks now a light red,you could argue that maybe it was just from the heat of the dying fire infront of us,I'd like to somewhat convince myself of that too,maybe to try and forget about the fact that I myself enjoyed it

Satoru Looks at me for a Split second,before quickly averting his gaze into the fire,looking anywhere but even remotely close my presence

I was so caught up into my thoughts I couldn't focus onto the voices speaking besides me,wether if it was about me,or towards me,I couldn't tell,how strange...
(I don't usually make notes but I should inform,to anyone who's still following this story I am trying my best to write and publish more chapters as best as I can,while being in school and an editor I barely have time for myself so please be patient!this chapters was kind of rushed but for the meantime have this!<3)

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