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I get off from school walking home since leiri decided to walk home with lori,not that I cared they were both annoying,besides I had to pick satomi up from school anyways

I arrive at her school and wait at the entrance door since I was 5 minutes early

After a few minutes she comes out the entrance door as she waves goodbye to her friends

"so how was school midget?" I ask

"It was fine ig,and what about yours dipshit" replies my sister

"it was ok i guess"

"you look like shit tho,you sure it was "ok"?"

"oh yea it was fine just got into a small fight"

"Damm a Small fight gave you 2 black eyes and 2 broken teeth?"


"so you wouldn't mind if I told mom to call the school?"

"would mind,stay in your Damm business"

"I would but you never stay in your own business when it comes to me so"

"I'm the oldest I'm just looking out for you"

"you snitched on me and made mom beat me till I turned purple,was that looking out for me?"


"Kill your self."

She says as she starts waking towards the direction of our house

"i love you too"

I say walking along side with her as she rants about how school went,unfortunately I couldn't do that because if my mom found out I would be in huge trouble since she told us multiple times not to get into any fights

"so who did you get into a fight with?"

"none of your business"

"Who did you get into a fight with"

I roll my eyes at her as I put my hands in my pockets

"just some crook at our school"

"and why did you get into the fight?"

"you know you talk too much,and ask too many questions,why don't we play a nice little game called minding our own business"

"sounds boring,so why?"

I sigh to myself knowing she's most definitely not dropping it,and if she is it's probably because she's thinking of snitching

"he was being a dick and beating up a kid for no reason,I couldn't just sit and watch so I punched him and got my ass beat afterwards"

She starts giggling as she puts her hand on her mouth to prevent further laughter

"now that's hilarious💀tf you think you are an mc from a show?💀"

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