Christmas Worker - Part 1

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"You're doing that wrong," Snow called out to the new girl, his attention focused on making coffee. The store had become increasingly busy in the run-up to Christmas, and Snow couldn't understand why his manager decided to hire someone with no experience at this time.

Lucy Gray glanced up at Snow, struggling to hear over the loud bustle of the small coffee shop on the corner. When she realized Snow wasn't looking at her, she assumed she had misheard and continued with her tasks.

"Hey, you! You're doing that wrong!" Snow raised his voice, frustration lacing his words. These were their first words to each other, and already tensions were rising.

Startled, Lucy Gray froze in place, her heart pounding. She turned to face Snow, her eyes wide with confusion. Her hair, tied back in a tight ponytail, poked through her cap, with a couple of loose strands swaying in front of her eyes. Inexperienced and overwhelmed, it was clear in her expression. Snow understood her struggle; even he felt overwhelmed during busy periods.

Taking a deep breath, Snow walked over to Lucy, his voice now softer and more reassuring. "Tell you what, you go on the till, and I'll make the coffees."

Lucy Gray swallowed, grateful for the reprieve. Straightening her posture, she nodded. "Yeah, that sounds easier. I'm Lucy Gray, by the way," she replied hastily, making her way to the till without waiting for his introduction. Snow nodded to himself, wearing a small smile, and approached the coffee machine. Lucy would soon get the hang of things.

"Hey, before you go, I just want to apologize for earlier," Snow said as he counted the money at the till. He noticed a figure in a pink fluffy coat trying to bypass him, but their attempt was far from discreet. Setting the money down, Snow gave Lucy his undivided attention.

Lucy Gray halted and looked at Snow. He suddenly became acutely aware of his curly hair above his eyebrows and his intense blue eyes. He despised being seen as intense; at work, he would usually wear his cap low enough to conceal his curls and eyes.

"Yeah..." Lucy responded cautiously, her eyes lingering on Snow's face. His vulnerability touched her, and she recognized a shared sense of uncertainty. Snow's curls and intense gaze, usually hidden beneath his cap, seemed less intimidating now.

Snow's nervousness eased as he saw Lucy's understanding gaze. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. It was pretty silly to have just the two of us on my first shift," Lucy reassured him, her voice warm and genuine.

A sense of relief washed over Snow. He smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Exactly, that's what-" he began but caught himself, realizing he had a tendency to ramble. Standing up and nodding, he looked at the money, then back at Lucy. "Thank you," he said finally, his gratitude shining through his words.

Lucy Gray returned his smile, a shy yet genuine grin. As she turned to leave, Snow couldn't help but watch her, a newfound appreciation in his gaze. The sky outside had grown dark, and he noticed Lucy shivering in the cold.

After finishing counting the money, Snow quickly inspected the shop, ensuring it was clean and ready for the morning staff. As he went through the routine, his thoughts kept drifting back to Lucy - her determination, kindness, and the genuine connection they had formed. It seemed like more than just a chance encounter.

Before leaving, Snow made sure the customer area was spotless. As he approached a table, he noticed a fallen menu with something folded inside - a note. Curiosity piqued, he unfolded it, revealing a brief message scrawled in Lucy's handwriting.

Not being someone to resist a little mystery, Snow read the note with intrigue, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "If we both stick to the story, they can't prove anything." Snows eyebrows knitted together in confusion, was this meant for him? Surely not. Had he discovered a secret plot? Or was it just something stupid?

Snow shook his head, clearing it of that thought. For some reason unexplained, Snow felt this note was made for him and him alone, he folded it back up and put it in the breast pocket of his uniform.

"Lucy Gray!" Snow made some finger guns pointed towards Lucy Gray. She was behind the counter while he had just came in to start his shift. "Just us two?! How lucky am I?!" It had been two weeks since her first shift, and Lucy Gray was coming along nicely.

"Not as lucky as me!" She responded back with a big smile. Seeing each other had started being something each of them had looked forward to.

"Definitely the highlight of my day," Snow chuckled, hanging up his coat and apron. The coffee shop had become a place of comfort and camaraderie for both of them.

As Snow prepared the coffee machines, Lucy Gray leaned on the counter, watching him intently. "You know, I never expected this job to turn out like this," she admitted, her voice filled with gratitude.

Snow turned to face her, a playful glint in his eyes. "And how did you expect it to turn out?" he asked, feigning curiosity.

Lucy Gray shrugged, a bashful smile tugging at her lips. "Some evil man telling me what to do. A lot of yelling - I don't know Coryo. I've been enjoying working under you." Snow looked at her, waiting for her to pick up on what she had just said.

Suddenly, Lucy Gray had turned beetroot, shaking her head. "No no no, not under, not like under, I mean I don't work under you - I mean I do, but not like that." Lucy Gray blurted out, happy with how she handled that.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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