Part 29: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 4/5

Start from the beginning

After a while, Metal Sonic notices something on the ground and picks it up.
Metal Sonic: Great Mobius...
Shadow, Barry, Tails, and Amy look over at Metal, as does everyone else in the room as Metal Sonic holds a train hand that's been torn off of its cabling.

Shadow, Barry, Tails, and Amy look over at Metal, as does everyone else in the room as Metal Sonic holds a train hand that's been torn off of its cabling

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Metal Sonic: This robot arm's been completely torn off...
Melody faints as she sees the arm, Jenny covering her mouth as Vega gags.
Amy: How creepy!
Shadow examines the arm.
Shadow: That arm is powerful; it'd be tough to break out of its grip.
Melody slowly regains consciousness as Misty chimes in.
Misty: A lot of people here have the strength to tear this off... but the only question is why...?
Metal Sonic sighs as he puts the arm in his hammer space.
Metal Sonic: A fight happened in this room...
Amy looks at the group.
Amy: Well, is that enough evidence to call everyone here?
Amy sighs.
Amy: It's high time we named a suspect.
Tails nods as Melody gets up, nodding as well.
Barry: I'm ready to solve this case.
Amy, with an excited smile, rushes up to the Microphone and clears her throat as she pushes the intercom button.
Amy: Hello, everyone, this is the Birthday Girl Speaking; please report to the conductor car at once. Thank you~!

Silver sighs as he places his complete letter to blaze into the envelope and seals it.
Silver: Alright then~!

Rouge places the Train Blueprints into her Hammer-Space as her and Blaze get ready to get going, calling the Elevator, the Warning now gone.

Espio and Vector smile as they get up, Espio smiling as he puts away his book.

Knuckles huffs as he sits up, walking to the door that leads to the Conductor's car.

Around 6 minutes pass before everyone arrives in the Conductor's Car. Amy smiles happily.
Amy: Excellent~!
Metal Sonic smirks calmly.
Amy: Wonderful to have you all here, Metal, Tails and I are ready to announce our prime suspect, with help from Barry!
Barry, Metal Sonic, and Tails all nod... then Barry gets confused and sighs as.
Barry (In his mind): Why hasn't Sonic shown up yet?
Everyone looks around, confused, Amy then sighs.
Amy: Vector?
Vector walks up.
Vector: Yeah, Amy?
Amy smiles, seeming slightly annoyed.
Amy: Can you come with me to get Sonic, real quick?
Amy huffs.
Amy: Lazy Bum; he must still be pretending to be dead!
Vector nods as Amy smiles gently.
Vector: Alright, let's go get him~!
Amy and Vector leave the Conductor's car.

Rouge smiles happily.
Rouge: Let me tell you all; this has been a delight~!
Knuckles looks at rouge, confused.
Knuckles: A delight?
Rouge smiles happily and excitedly.
Rouge: Exactly~! The Air in here is so intense, I love it~!
Misty smiles and nods.
Misty: There's nothing like the thrill of a good mystery~!
Rouge smiles as she looks at Misty.
Misty: Exactly~!
Blaze closes her fan.
Blaze: This train has so many amenities that I feel so catered too.
Tails smiles.
Tails: Admittedly, given the amusement of the chase, I've been having a lot of fun too~!
Barry smiles as he looks at Espio.
Barry: Tails, Metal and I can see why you're a detective outside of this train, Espio.
Espio nods.
Espio: It would seem the four of us all love a good thrill, it seems...
Espio smiles with confidence.
Espio: But, on this train, I am but a humble poet.
Melody smiles as she pulls out her tape recorder and records Espio as he tells another poem.

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