Part 10: Metal Sonic Esc.F.C.P. Trivia, fun facts, and more. 4/4

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Trivia and Fun Facts

#1.) The quote that knuckles said about the soul emeralds is the exact same one that is heard in Sonic Adventure 2, as well as Tikal from Sonic Adventure 1. That quote being, (As said in sonic 2.) "The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, power is enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos."
#2.) While on the topic of Sonic Adventure 2, the song, live and learn would play as Metal Sonic, Jenny Wakeman, and Vega Vexus go super, referencing that final battle in Sonic Adventure 2 With the bio lizard, and also references the final battle in sonic Generations and Sonic Forces, sonic forces in the sense that there are 3 heroes, and sonic generations in the sense that multiple people go super with the same emeralds, which also references, again, Sonic Adventure 2.
#3.) The Fall from space would be a direct call back to Sonic Adventure 2, where sonic is ejected into space, managing to use chaos control to do so.
#4.) When Metal Sonic says, "Go team Robot" It is a triple reference to Power Rangers. as the main theme say's "Go, go power rangers"; Teen Titans Go, as he shouts go to a team; and Sonic heroes, in the sense that there is a team, and that Sonic, in the first cutscene for the Team Hero playthrough shouts, "We're Sonic Heroes."
#5.) The fact that Metal Sonic talks in this also references Sonic Heroes, as that is the first game in which Metal Sonic ever spoke.
#6.) When red and Yellow Robots referred to in Dr. Eggman's Post Credit scene introduction are Orbot and Cubot, his most recent and most trusted, other than Metal Sonic of course, assistants in every sonic game, including Sonic Boom.
#7.) When Robotnik says that he knows the Pain of something not going according to plan that Vexus feels after her defeat, he is obviously referring to every defeat sonic has ever put him through.
#8.) The fact that Vexus is attacking the town/city of Tremorton with a massive mech robot is a classic Hero Movie/Power Rangers esc. cliche of there being a giant robot / back-up plan.

#9.) When Nora Wakeman says they can't easily/simply defeat Mecha Vexus with a ramming attack, it calls back to the original Escape from Cluster Prime script, where they use Vexus' main ship to Ram the weapon-esc spacecraft that Smytus would've used, originally, to blow up the planet.
#10.) When metal sonic grabbed the rings, it made a variant of the iconic "Ring collection sound" made in every sonic game when a Ring is collected.
#11.) Metal Sonic giving a thumbs-up to and winking at the camera, and, by proxy us, the audience, it's referencing whenever Sonic, in his classic games, would do a finger wag and wave his finger at the camera after beating a level, or when he'd look at the camera at the start/end of every classic game.
#12.) When metal sonic say's that he'd, quote, "I think going super took away some of my stubbornness because I'd love to take a vacation now." It's referencing a story made by Garrulous64 on YouTube titled, let's save infinite, in which Nil, AKA infinite says, "You know I think that guy took some of my stubbornness with him because I'd so love to take that vacation now."
#13.) Metal sonic grabbing the rings from the cupboard, it references the iconic obsession in sonic games to collect rings.
#14.) When Metal Sonic is sitting in his room bored, he is impatiently tapping his foot and looking at an invisible watch, referencing one of classic sonic impatient animations.
#15.) Metal Sonic say's his creator was worse than Vexus, he is referring to whenever Dr. Eggman would almost destroy the world, or 2 on occasion, and lash out at his robots.
#16.) When Vega, Jenny, and Metal all shout "Super thruster triple boost," It references Sonic Forces' Triple Boost at the end of the game, and double boost whenever the custom hero and Sonic are on a duo mission with each other.
#17.) Metal Sonic not having a mouth, somewhat, references the character, "Mephiles the Dark" from Sonic 06, but it more directly references the fact that his mouth/muzzle has no visible mouth for him to speak with, hence forth why he doesn't talk very often in the games.

#18.) When Mecha Sonic, Silver Sonic, and Metal Sonic all speak at the same time, it references the fact that they're all previous &/or future variants of one another, also referencing the spider-man point meme when they point at each other in the scene.
#19.) Metal Sonic, Vega Vexus, Mecha Sonic, Jenny Wakeman, Silver Sonic, and Nora Wakeman all gang up on Vexus, it references when the Phantom Ruby Clones of Zavok, Shadow, Chaos, and Metal Sonic, along with Infinite, all teamed up and wombo-combo'd Sonic in Sonic Forces.
#20.) The fact that the 3rd and Final act is called ACT 3: Tremorton Warfare Zone, directly references the Acts of the classic Sonic games, such as the Greenhill zone, Chemical Plant Zone, Stardust Speedway Zone, Death egg Battle Zone, etc.
#21.) Vega Vexus, Jenny Wakeman, and Metal Sonic all talk in unison because of all 3 of their positive and negative chaos being equal and fully harnessed for the forces of good. This is also the reason why they all share thoughts between each other, Knuckles, and Tikal.
#22.) Metal Knuckles doesn't make an appearance in Metal Sonic's Escape from Cluster Prime storyline, which means that Metal Sonic is this dual AU's Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds.
#23.) When Metal Sonic says that he didn't think that 3 people harnessing the full power of the Chaos Emeralds was possible, he is referring to the final boss of Sonic Heroes, where Sonic goes super, but Knuckles and Tails, his teammates, just get a yellow bubble-like aura around them to help Super Sonic fight.
#24.) When metal Sonic uses the Laser-blaster in his chest before spin dashing into one of the guards to save Shell when he can't use his weapons, the former being used directly to Save Shell, it calls back to when Sonic saved/met tails for the first time, most likely being similar circumstances of their Friend, Aka Tails/Shell, being in danger.
#25.) When Metal Sonic, Jenny, and Vega de-transformed, they all had 50 rings left each, meaning there original ring count each, that being 50,000, was divided by a whopping factor of 1,000.
#26.) Jenny Wakeman calling Metal Sonic her big brother referenced when Orbot and Cubot called Metal Sonic their big brother in Sonic Colors: Rise of the Whisps. This also brings back the fact that they were finally exactly like siblings.
#27.) Metal Sonic tracking Jenny's last known location calls back the fact that Jenny has helped/saved Metal Sonic multiple times and on many different occasions, and now Metal Sonic is trying to return the favor.

Metal Sonic in M.L.a.a.T.RNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ