Part 9: New Escape from Cluster Prime Script (METAL SONIC STORY) 3/4

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Act 3: Tremorton warfare Zone

Metal Sonic looks at Nora Wakeman, seeming remorseful.
Metal Sonic: I do feel bad for mocking you, for the record. I just was angry.
Nora Wakeman turns to look at Metal Sonic.
Nora Wakeman: Angry at what exactly?
Metal Sonic: You all just shunned Jenny, who made an honest mistake. A mistake that is something which, need I remind you, wasn't even her fault.
Jenny looks at Metal and Nora, Nora looking at Metal Sonic remorsefully.
Nora Wakeman: I didn't mean to shun her; I was just upset myself.
Metal Sonic hugs Nora, who seems shocked before hugging back 1 second later.
Metal Sonic: I guess we can cut each other some slack, right Mrs. Wakeman?
Nora Wakeman: I suppose you're right.

Jenny Wakeman: (Hugging both of them.) YOU GUYS~!!!
Metal Sonic, Nora, and Jenny all share a group hug with Vega, Sheldon, Brad, Tuck, Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic, the ladder 6 of whom all joined in.


Vega: Thanks for agreeing to let me come visit earth everyone.
Metal Sonic rubs the underside of his nose, a mouthless grin on his face.
Metal Sonic: No need to mention it your highness, it's the very least first thing we can do to thank you. However, none of us can enjoy earth, not quite yet.
As the ship arrives back at earth, the group looks in horror as they see a massive robot attacking the city.
Brad: Well, that's terrifying... and yet oddly cliche.
Nora Wakeman: What do we do? We can't fight something that big with a ramming attack.
Metal Sonic: I have an idea, but I'll need Vega and Jenny's help and your permission.
Nora Wakeman: Why my permission?
Metal Sonic: Because if it goes wrong, I don't want it to be just my fault, and besides my idea just might be crazy enough to work.
Nora Wakeman sighs, somewhat annoyed.
Nora Wakeman: Fine, you have my permission.
Metal Sonic: Thank you ma'am. Vega, Jenny, you're with me.

Jenny and Vega follow Metal Sonic to the cargo bay.
Metal Sonic: Ok, I'll give you two the basic rundown.
Metal Sonic Gives Vega and Jenny each 50,000 of his 150,000 rings, from the cabinet in Vexus', now Vega's, Palace.
Metal Sonic: There are these things from my world called the chaos emeralds, which I have on me right now with the master Emerald. These 7 Emeralds are the 7 Servers, the servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, power is enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos within they're heart to channel the energy they feed on, which is both Positive and Negative Chaos. Positive Chaos energy represents the forces of pure good whereas Negative Chaos Energy represents the forces of pure evil, Positive is more powerful than Negative, but united, they are stronger than both combined.
Jenny Wakeman: And we can use this to help us... How?
Metal Sonic: If we use the positive chaos energy, we can easily defeat this final adversary, but to do this, we must unify the chaos within us, and each other.
Vega: That'd take a lot of effort.
Metal sonic mouthlessly smirks.

Metal Sonic: I've been putting in a lot of effort to do good ever since the bad deeds of which I've done began, I used to be evil, it's time I did something good for once.
Jenny and Vega look at Metal Sonic, who looks back, smiling without a mouth, happily, and remorsefully.
Metal Sonic: Are you two with me?
Jenny Wakeman: You know it big bro~!
Vega: All the way Metal, now how are we going to defeat them?
Metal Sonic blushes slightly, but smiles and looks at Vega and Jenny
Metal Sonic: Using the positive and negative chaos in equal unison, we can channel inner power through the 7 chaos emeralds and unlock powerful forms, known as super forms, these forms will allow us to fly without jets, to move fast without moving our legs at all, and, most importantly, vanquish the forces of purely evil and negative chaos, the likes of which are ununified and uncontrolled. The only downside is we have to do this before the 3 of us hit the ground at terminal velocity and become very small pieces of scrap metal, understand you two?
Vega and Jenny Nervously sweat, but nod, knowing they have to do this to save earth from the supercharged robot titan.
Metal Sonic: In that case, let's take our leap of faith. (On comms) OPEN THE BOMB-BAY DOORS SHELDON!
Sheldon: Copy that~!

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