dancing in the rain

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when the tears of the sky dance on your nose,
when it gently grazes your cheek,
a small caress could lighten up your entire soul

until the day you see the floor slip from under your feet
and land in a puddle, your clothes soaking while trying to get to work,
you will find the time to smile-to just stay there for only a moment.
laugh, cackle, until it's a breathless beautiful sound emerging from within

joy looks for its own path, and if it ever finds you,
know that you have been chosen, so just take it
bathe in its comfort, in its love
take your time to look into his eyes and trace the lines of his face

dance with him in the rain when no one's looking.
because you will only live once,
and rain is scarce so take advantage of it.
feel everything now, the time calls for it
but relieve yourself of pent-up anger along with the rain

when it pours, you prance

when it cries, you smile

when it rains, you dance

make the day yours, because why don't you?
what's stopping you?
It is only self-set limits so break free and feel it
enjoy life as it comes.
don't let the hard days win

so, what are you doing?
go dance in the rain.

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