Once Upon A Time...

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Once upon a time, long, long ago, The Night fell in love with The Moon.

The Night sky.
His vast, calming blanket protects us from the blinding light
He soothes us with his star freckled gaze
He takes our hand and guides us to peace

But what about his peace? What about
The Night's peace?

For it is The Moon.

Serene and brilliant
Stark and unyielding,
She glistens unapologetically

And it is because The Night loves The Moon
The way she smiles, the way she shines and speaks only in a way he understands

The Night allows The Moon to beam and uncover ever dark and tainted corner of himself and heal it

Their love spans across even the most monumental thoughts of time and space

Even in myths and legends,
In folklore and fables;
"Once upon a time the night sky fell in love with the moon..."

They are the sole inspiration for every love story, the beginning and end
The light and dark
One cannot exist without the other

And so, once upon a time, The Moon fell in love with The Night...

Words From The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora