.x{~Part 7~}x.

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Skip to the party

I'm sitting on a sofa with a glass of vodka in my hand, the table is full of empty glasses and everyone else is dancing on the dance floor. I'm not bored don't get me wrong I'm just vibing with my drink that's all.

But not for long because I saw a drunk Kenny trying to get through the crowd to get back to our table and most likely to try to get me to dance, yeah and that's the thing, I don't know how to dance.

Kendall: "YYY/NNN!!!     Stop being a vibe killer and come dance with us". 

Y/N: "You're drunk" I said with a smile on my face.

Kendall: "Of course I'm drunk why do you think we came here? It's a rhetorical question, be careful how you answer it".

Y/N: "So my answer to your rhetorical question is that I came here so you guys don't end up hungover on a bench instead of at house and basically to watch over your drunk asses because from what I can see the night isn't over yet... so that's my answer."

Kendall: "Y/NNN you stupid ass bitch. We have security guards in case we get into trouble and luckily there are plenty of taxis as well. Our night is not over yet but yours has not even started. So stop worrying and enjoy the party".

Y/N: "Damn Kenny you drunk drunk" I said and laughed.

Kendall: "Yes, I am so thank you for the compliment. Now I'm going to get another drink for my drunk ass."  She said and left for the bar.

10 minutes have passed and Kenny didn't come to the table again and I saw she wasn't with the others either so I went to the bar to find her.

Y/N: "Hi Isabella, have you seen Kenny?"

Bella: "Why disappointing that you saw me?"

Y/N: "What? No I'm just starting to worry because she's not with the others either"

Bella: "Jesus Y/n you worrying for no reason Kenny is a big girl she can take care of herself"

Y/N: "Yeah I know but she's drunk"

Bella: "Well, I'm drunk, why don't you worry about me." She said and put her hands around my neck.

Y/N: "Um, I think I'll go look for Kenny"I said as I took her hands off my neck and I turned to leave but she grabbed my hand.

Bella: She's with Benito if that reassures you a bit.

Y/N: "It sure helps a bit" I said and she came closer to me to the point where if I took one more step I could kiss her.

Bella: Y/n, is something going on with you and Kenny?

Y/N: "What? Why would you even think that?"

Bella: "You're not answering my question baby." She said and put her hands behind my neck again playing with my short curly hair.

Y/N: "Isabella you need to stop"

Bella: "I'm not doing anything baby"

Y/N: "Yes you do Isabella"

Bella: "Mm, did I tell you how much I love the way you say my name?"

Y/N: "You are so drunk"

Bella: "You're the only person who calls me like that and I like it."

The problem is that I'm a hopeless romantic for you.   Bella Hadid x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now