.x{~Part 5~}x.

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2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks me, Kenny, Isabella and Hailey have been going out a lot almost everyday. We went mostly for breakfast and dinner and the problem is that every time in the middle of our outing Kenny and Hailey come up with stupid excuses to leave me alone with Isabella. AND GUESS WHAT! Kenny it's her ride. So A. I have to be in a restaurant with Isabella ALONE and B. I have to take her home because Kenny drives her here and of course I can't let her take a Cab because she she is my friend and what kind of friend I am if I can't drive her home right? SOOO in my mind is kinda a date but at the same time it's not a date you know. I know it's messed up.

And you know what else is messed up?

My feelings, you want to know why?

Because I like her, I really really like her and I can't do anything about it because her boyfriend is my friend and I'm not that kinda person, I never was and I'm not planning to be.

So the only thing I have to do is to stop thinking about her and that's what I'm going to do and that's a personal promise... A promise.

A PROMISE which I CANNOT KEEP! She's on my mind all the time I keep thinking about her day and night AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.

You know what fuck the promise's I'm not gonna promise something that I can't do. Because when I see her I just forget every promise I've made and the only thing I don't do is to not think about her.

She does that thing with her lips when she's nervous/anxious and bites them. When something bothers her she can't hide it because her eyebrows betray her. She can't hide her desires because of her eyes and then when she does—

KENDALL: "Y/n? Y/n! Earth to Y/nnnn!!"She yelled at me and suddenly I snapped out of my mind and back to reality.

Y/N: "Jesus Kenny I can hear you, you don't need to yell in my ear".

KENDALL: "Anyways so your coming right?"

Y/N: "Where?"

KENDALL: "Y/N did you hear anything I've said?"

Y/N: "No sorry I was thinking about something"

KENDALL: "Something or someone?"

Y/N: "Something. Anyways what were you telling me?"

KENDALL: "This Friday me, Gigi and Bella have a fashion show and then from there we're all going to the party together and we want you to come too. So your coming?"

Y/N: "Yeah of course I'll come to support you guys but about the party I don't know Kenny I'm not much in the mood these days".

KENDALL: "But-" She started but I cut her off.

Y/N: "But because I know you won't stop if you start telling me how great it's going to be and we're all going to have a good time and all that, my answer is we'll see okay?" I said and she smiled like a idiot."

KENDALL: "Okay!" She said excitedly

Y/N: "So why you didn't tell me anything about this fashion show or the name of the brand you know that I need to be dressed according to the brand and—"

KENDALL: "It's a surprise, the clothes you will wear will be prepared by me and my stylist and as for how you will arrive, Zayn and Fai will come to pick you up so don't worry I have everything planned."

The problem is that I'm a hopeless romantic for you.   Bella Hadid x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now