Chapter 9

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Stella nervously waited for Kelly to say something, anything. She sees his soulful baby blues turn to a dark gray. His facial expression was unreadable; he didn't look surprised or shocked. It's like he knew it was going to happen. "He told you this, or did you see it?"

"I saw it for myself the day I went to lunch with Maggie; she got Casey's key to conference room four, and I saw my fuck board." She tells him with a disgusting look echoing on her face. "His name was on the bottom; it turned my stomach when I saw it. Kelly, I would never ever know... It's so gross, I can't even say it." She covered her mouth like she was going to get sick.

Kelly smiles. "I'm glad my father repulses you. What did he say in the driveway to you? Please be honest with me; I know him, and I know how he works."

She swallowed hard and moved her hands to his chest. She traced a circle on his chest.

"Stella, what did he say to you?" Kelly knew he said something that upset her. He lifted her chin. "You can tell me anything; chances are nothing you say is going to surprise me. I'm very well aware of the jackass my father is."

She took a deep breath. "He said some inappropriate things about my body and stuff." She crunches as she thinks about what he said. "Honestly, even though it's totally disgusting, stomach-churning, stomach-turning, loathsome, sickening, and...

"I get that; it's definitely all those things, baby." He says interrupting her. "But what did he say?"

"I'm not bothered by what he said about me body-wise or stuff. I mean, it was sick and something you don't expect your boss, your father's friend, or your boyfriend's father to say to you." She shakes her head. "I was more bothered by a few things he said that I couldn't understand how he knew them."

Kelly gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I know he was in a majority way saying shit to get under my skin. But there are a few things he said that there isn't no way he would know, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you told him, which is what he said."

Kelly's eyes widened. "He said I told him stuff? What kind of stuff? I only talk to him about work-related stuff or when he is trying to piss me off. What stuff would I have told him?"

"Stuff about me." She tells him as she watches his face go from confused to pissed quickly.

"I haven't told him a damn thing about you, Stella, I swear. You are none of his business; what goes on between us is none of his business. What the hell did he say that I told him about you?"

She can feel his tension rising. "He knew about the heart-shaped birth mark on my left butt cheek in the corner."

"I didn't tell him, Stella. I would never tell him anything. I swear, I haven't told a soul about that. Not even Casey and I tell him everything."

"I believe you; it's just strange that he knew about it. Hell, besides my parents, Ritter, Brett, you, Andrew, and Jason, no one's ever seen it. And speaking of Andrew, he knew about that."

"What? What do you mean he knew about that too? Knew what?"

"He said, What if I tell you I know about you fucking some rich dude just to get your paintings sold?"

"He knew about your relationship with Andrew?" Kelly was really confused.

"Yep, I told him that's not how that happened. I wasn't sleeping with Andrew just to get my paints sold; I'm not that kind of woman I...

He put his finger on her lips. "I know you're not." He says cutting her off. "I swear I didn't tell him. Stella I haven't told a soul anything you told me in confidence. I wouldn't do that; I care about you too much to do that to you. Please believe me."

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