Chapter 4

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Inspiration exists; there are little gems all around us that can hold glimmers of inspiration. You find inspiration everywhere. It can come from a painting, a song, a movie, a simple conversation, friends, family, your spouse, your other half, or everyday life miracles or mistakes. Nine years had passed since Stella lost her motivation and inspiration. And honestly, she didn't think she would ever get it back. Inspiration was something that happened to everyone else, not her. Not anymore. 

She thought that moving to LA would get her motivation started again. A real artist would be inspired by the beauty of LA. It's said that anything that touches our hearts or minds can spark inspiration in some way. And that's what makes it so special—inspiration is personal and unique to each individual.

There are so many different places that could create masterpieces. But nothing gave her that push; nothing spoke to her soul until last week.

It's been six weeks now that she's lived in LA—six weeks of being the personal assistant of Kelly Severide. The man who has inspired her to pick up a pencil and her sketchbook again The past week, she has spent every free moment drawing, mostly sketches of him.

She was sitting on her bed, smiling at her sketch, when Brett walked in. "Are you going to hide out in your room all day?"

"I'm not hiding out; I'm in my happy place."

"Your happy place?" She asked, giving her a confused look.

"Yep, sitting on my bed and sketching in my sketchbook is my happy place."

"So that's... Wait, sketching?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "Are you drawing again?"

"I am." Her smile lit up her whole face. "Come here."

Brett sat down on the bed, and Stella handed her the notebook. "Oh my, you are still amazing after all this time."

"You think?"

"Hell yeah!" She exclaimed loudly. "This whole book is sketches of Kelly."

" So?" She says, like it's no big thing.

"Kelly sitting, Kelly standing, Kelly at his desk, Kelly laughing, Kelly in his football uniform..." She arched her eye at her.

"So what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you're sketching again; you're doing something that you haven't done for over nine years, something that you told me you would probably never do again, and not only that, you're sketching a person."

"I know I told you that I would probably never be inspired again, but I was wrong. I got inspired just last week, actually. I couldn't sleep one night. I pulled out the book and started sketching, and that's what came out, I don't know why Kelly was what I wanted to draw; it just happened."

"I know why. And I'm pretty sure you know why too. Your subconscious is telling you something, something that you already know. something that you are trying to say is not happening but I see it, and Ritter sees it, but you're in denial."

Stella shakes her head. "I'm not in denial about anything. I just like drawing him; he's easy to draw; his facial features are amazing—his proportional nose, perky smooth cheeks, his well-defined jawline, and his full, soft kissable lips."

Brett watches her look at the book. " Stella I have known you since we were in preschool, and I have seen you draw, paint, and sketch all kinds of stuff: food, sunsets, sunrises, rain, rainbows, animals, the ocean, flowers, houses, you draw everything, but people were different; you were very picky when someone asked you to draw them."

"I was not."

"How many people have you drawn?"

" I...." She shrugs. "I don't know; it's not like I keep counting."

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