Chapter 8

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The sun shining brightly through the crack in the blind awoke Kelly from his peaceful sleep. His eyes slowly took in his surroundings. He glanced at the clock beside his bed, the seven forty-five displayed in front of him. He sighs as his eyes look around his childhood bedroom, his football posters, his trophies, and his awards. Pictures of his former teammates and classmates sitting on his shelf remind him of simple days, his happiest days. Days that he wishes he could get back. He misses Chicago; he misses his family; LA isn't for him; he should have never gone to LA. His grandfather told him he wasn't going to be truly happy until he let go of the resentment he had for his dad. He told him to quit holding a grudge and let go; the best revenge is no revenge.

But he wanted to go to LA anyway with the mindset of destroying his dad's company and finally beating him at something. His dad always got what he wanted, when he wanted it. He wished for once that there was something his dad wanted that he didn't get, something that money couldn't buy for him.

He sits up and sighs again, and then the realization hits him: why he is back at home. And his heart aches. His grandfather is gone; he didn't get to say goodbye, and that hurts so much. He then remembers that today is the funeral; today is the day he lays his grandfather, his best friend, to rest. No more phone calls, no more late-night chats, no more inside jokes, no more camping trips, no more football games, no more bear hugs, no more anything. All he's got now are memories. He looks up at the ceiling, praying for strength to make it through the day. He drops his head and notices something moving under the right side of the blanket. He turns his head to look beside him. His frown grows into a huge grin as he sees Stella sleeping. Her body is facing the wall.

He forgot she came to check on him yesterday; she wanted to be here for him. He lays back down, getting as close as possible to her. And he silently thanked the Lord for sending her to him. He asked the Lord for strength, and he sent him Stella, the girl who had awoken his soul. Piece by piece, she had collected him and was putting him back together. Then it dawned on him as he kissed her bare shoulder: they are officially a couple. She agreed to be his girlfriend last night; at least that's what he thinks happened, or was that a dream? He shakes the thought in his head and kisses her again.

He moves her hair so he can kiss her neck. His hand caresses her stomach as he continues to kiss her neck after a few seconds of this. She moans softly, and he smiles against her neck. Her hand reaches up and rubs the back of his head. "Morning!"

He moves his lips to her ear and nibbles on it. "Morning beautiful." He whispered as he moved slightly so she could roll onto her back. He hovered over her and smiled down at her. Before capturing her lips with his, he climbs on top of her fully as their tongues battle against one another.

She moans in his mouth as she feels his manhood hard against her covered pussy. Her hands are running up and down his back. He glided his hands down her sides, which made her go crazy.

"Mhmm," Stella moaned into their kiss. God, she loved his lips.

He needed more contact, so he slowly pushed up her nightie to feel her smooth skin. His hands roamed further and further up until he reached her breasts. He then moved his lips down to her neck and sucked on the spot that he found to be her special spot.

Stella moaned. They hadn't even fully started, but she felt turned on more than ever. Her fingers made their way onto his chest to feel his defined muscles and abs.

Kelly was growing impatient as he struggled to take off her nightie while keeping his lips on her neck. Stella broke the kiss and leaned up to pull off her nightie. Of course, she wasn't wearing a bra. One thing Kelly loved is that she wasn't a bra woman. Kelly groaned. Her pink nipples were fully erect and waiting to be sucked on. He wasted no time dragging his lips down her neck and taking her hardened nipple into his mouth.

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