Chapter 7

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Stella stormed inside the house later that evening and headed to the fridge. She needed a glass of wine, and she needed the whole bottle. She was still heated and disgusted by what she saw. She couldn't even eat lunch; she was so sick to her stomach. Maggie told her she was overexaggerating; she should be flattered that a rich, successful, good-looking older man wants to fuck her and that he wagered $300,000, the highest wager in the history of the fuck boards. Stella told her she's not flattered, and she doesn't find Benny attractive, and she didn't care if he was rich or a successful businessman. She wasn't the type to just jump in bed with someone because of money, frame, or looks. 

Of course, Maggie gave her a fucking crazy look and said, "Women had power between their legs and their mouths." giving Stella a seductive wink. "Why should it matter? No matter how old he is, money is money." Stella told her that Benny was her father's age and her father's friend from college, but of course Maggie still didn't see the big deal, she said. "So what? Just lay there, let him fuck you, and collect your money and be on your way." Stella learned that the jackpot that the guys win when they fuck one of the girls on the board gets split between the guy who wins the money and the woman they fucked. Maggie tells her. "Look at this way, you get a good fuck, because, trust me, Benny Severide is a good fuck." giving Stella another wink. "Plus, you get half of $500,000, so not only are you getting sexually satisfied, you walk away with $250,000; it's a win-win situation."

Stella didn't think it was possible, but she got more sick, so sick she needed to lay down. She went to the car and laid in Maggie's backseat. She laid there with her eyes closed. "It's just sex, Stella. What's the big deal? Keep your eyes closed while he's inside you, picture It's someone else. When I'm fucking one of the guys that I don't find attractive, like Mike or Jason, I usually picture Casey or Kelly." Stella's eyes snapped open at the mention of Kelly. Maggie went on. "Casey is freaking amazing in bed; I had him a few times; he is definitely the best I've ever had; and Kelly is my dream guy; he's the one I, well, we all fantasize about him. He is one of God's best creations; he is so fine.." Stella sat up straight, hoping her facial expressions didn't give her away. "I can't tell you how many times I pictured Kelly fucking me, me gripping onto his strong toned muscles; hell, I'm getting wet just thinking about it." Stella watches as she fans herself. "Not only do we have the who gets to fuck Kelly Severide first wager going on, we also have a bet on how big his dick is." Stella's eyes widened in surprise. "Cause, girl, you know a man that fine has got to have a big dick." Stella felt her cheeks getting hot. She looked down at her lap. Biting her tongue, she's so desperately wanted to tell her she knows how big he is, and so does her mouth. But she didn't; she just kept looking at her lap. "Oh my bad, girl, I take it from your facial expressions that you don't like to talk about sex or dicks. It's all good; I will shut up.." Stella gives her a small smile, hoping she will shut up.

Ritter walked into the kitchen as Stella was opening the second bottle of wine. "Damn girl, you need to chill."

Stella looked over at him and took a big sip of the newly opened bottle.

"Okay, than." Ritter sat down. "How about you put the bottle down, take a few deep breaths, and tell Daddy what's wrong?" He smirked at her, expecting a smile or a laugh, but all she did was take another slip. "Okay, so something happened that has you pissed off, so talk."

"I'm not pissed!"

"Really? You stormed inside, slammed the door, headed straight to the fridge, downed a whole bottle of wine, and now you're working on the second bottle, you look frustrated, and you're tapping your foot very aggressively, may I add, which is something you do when you're pissed off, so spill the tea already."

She put the bottle down. "Am I frustrated? Yes, do I have a reason to be frustrated? Yes, did I come in here slamming the door? Yes, did I already drink one whole bottle of wine? Yes, am I going to drink the rest of the wine that's in this refrigerator? Probably so, but I'm not pissed off. I'm disgusted, which is a big difference."

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